Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has already sold 10 million copies
The Legend of #Zelda: #TearsOfTheKingdom has sold over 10 million copies worldwide in its first three days, becoming the fastest-selling game in the history of the Legend of Zelda series.
Thanks to those already enjoying Link’s latest adventure! pic.twitter.com/XxRSLaiWrO
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) May 17, 2023
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Tbh not that surprised.
At this rate, it could beat BOTWs sales
I was one of the BOTW sales this week. This is actually my very first Zelda game, but I decided I should start it so I can get to TOTK later
pretty fucking insane. Its like the second best selling zelda of all time (not counting rereleases/remasters).
i guess the next zelda will follow the same path which makes me sad.
Phenomenal game already fixed most of the problems BOTW had for me . Although I would wish the dungeons were a bit more complex but they’re still a massive improvement over BOTW’s dungeons
Not even one week out and it’s already the 2nd best selling Zelda game of all time behind BOTW. Zelda is truly at its peak when it comes to numbers, these past years were insane for the franchise.
So many people on the internet whined about the price increase and look lol, Nintendo made a killing with this game.
This games has so much to do, fusing random shit to my weapons, making drones to fly fast, exploring the massive underground, it’s so much and I love it. DLC my ass.
Nintendo and Switch haters punching the air rn
Well deserved!
That’s actually wild af.
Godly numbers
100% deserved, I’ve seen 20+ hours of gameplay, and it’s a much more compelling and interesting game than BOTW. It almost makes BOTW look like a prototype by comparison, and I love both.
Are you telling me that people buy good games and if the game is really good even more people would buy it? Please someone send the memo to Phil Spencer.
Kudos to the team behind Zelda.
I was one of those “Eh I don’t know if this Zelda game is gonna be for me”, but I picked it up anyways because I had to give it a shot.
I was so wrong lmao this game rocks.
is it safe to say zelda totk is the best game in this current year till now? silksong and many more are upcoming so let’s see.
Amazing numbers, amazing game.
You can tell they did a lot of research into what people were interacting with and had complaints about…and then made a game about it. All the half baked ideas from the first game are now fully focused on.
I don’t think they can make a sequel to this though unless they completely reboot the locations and scenery. hyrule sorta always has the same stuff in it, and this game fully realized the “same map, but different” aesthetic fully. I don’t think you could do that a third time.
I think it would be cool if that made them look to new directions and takes for Zelda for the next one.
I’ve got abut 13 hours of travel coming up (train and plane) and I’m trying my hardest to not buy and play it before. Just two weeks to go…
very much so deserved. this is how you treat a franchise. it takes everything from BotW and makes it better and then some.
BotW was my personal favourite game ever (i know objectively it’s not the best game ever) and TotK makes it’s predecessor look like a beta version of the game.
i had high expectations and they still exceeded them.
Too freacking expensive for me here in Brazil
I was going to wait and get for cheaper but then remembered Mario Kart 8 is still $50. It came out 9 years ago.
I didn’t like BOTW but I do like this game. Pretty solid. Definitely worth buying
not surprising considering how hardcore the Zelda fanbase is. BotW was THE system seller for Switch at launch so the direct sequel selling well is expected. id expect pretty much anyone who owns a switch and actually uses it to pick this up
As someone who didn’t like BotW, I did a complete 180 after playing TotK. Improved the weapon mechanics with fuse and the shrines and “places” are much more fun and interesting. I’m loving the main “places” so far, really fun imo. The shrines are fun too with the multitude of ways to complete them offered by the new object manipulation and fusing.
I might actually get a switch now – for this and the advance wars remake lol.
Didn’t really like BotW at all but liking TotK quite a bit. Shrines and dungeons are both massively improved.
The biggest issue now is just getting around. Traversing the depths sucks. Getting around the sky islands is fun at 1st, but gets tiring.
That’s so many tortured Koroks. We need to take this to the United Nations to condemn this act of genocide.
How it improved on the absolute masterpiece that is BOTW is just a feat in itself.
One if the first things I did when I got the ability to fuse was stack a rusty shield onto my rusty shield. Laughed so hard my sides hurt, the game is amazing
Remember single player games are dead
Glad to see a new generation of fans being captivated by Hyrule
Loving it so far. Definitely better than botw. My only real critique so far is that I wish the dungeons were bigger, more complex, and more difficult – especially the bosses. Hopefully they can strike a better balance of older 3D Zelda style dungeons mixed with botw/totk open world in future games.
Just watched a bokoblin notice me, pull out it’s bow, and have said bow catch on fire from the campfire beside it, which caused the bokoblin to get set on fire then die. I love this game so much.
I pre-ordered the game almost 2 years ago so I got the game at $59.99 instead of the $69.99 which is pretty neat
This gonna be the first game to sell 200 zeldabillion copies
And it’ll sell more. I don’t have a switch and I WILL get one for this.
People want to buy a AAA game released in a completed state with all the content at release and not full of predatory monetization schemes. Go figure.
So Player’s Choice release next week?
I’ve put 30 hours into the game already and have experienced 2 minor bugs. This game is a masterpiece that was released without major issues. Legitimately I think this game will be one of my favorites of all time.
Well deserved, the team that made the game absolutely knocked it out of the park.
Every day is a day I’m sad I don’t have a switch. I literally only want it for these games though.
So far my best experience in the game is shooting a muddle flower in between a group of bokoblins and watch from safety as they destroy each other.
I bought the game on release but haven’t played it. Taking my last final exam today and going to an internship after for summer. Taking this bad boy to play on my down time. The years looking great!
I love it, but why did the cost of living crisis have to hit Hyrule? The value of the rupee has really not kept pace with inflation!
I give it a stupidly long bridge and a bomb attached to a shield out of 10.
But no one wants single player games anymore, right EA?
And those numbers are BEFORE finding out about Purah…
The Legend of Zelda: Link gets Super Glue
This game is so much damn fun.