The aftermath.. You know the score.. Flying around all week, and you just have to have a heavy sesh on the honey with the lads.. Things escalate and before you know it, you’re doing 10 lines of pollen, and trying to shag a blue bottle..
Sunday morning isn’t so good..
Bees actually hold their poop for a long time. They will only poop if conditions are right for it. They can stay in the hives during winter and not fill it with poop or have to go into the cold and die to poop that way. Sometimes they will take “cleansing flights” in winter if they can’t hold it anymore and fly out and around and back to the hive pooping their tiny brains out before they freeze.
This little dude had probably been holding it for a long time and then suddenly the air temp and humidity all came together and he gets sweet sweet relief.
The bee has likely been fed on sugar water after harvest, sometimes it can lead to an outbreak of dysentery in the hive especially if the syrup isn’t mixed correctly. – source- I’m a beekeeper
What is happening here??
There better bee a good explanation for this.
That can’t be normal
Shitting on the clothes?
She needs to learn to beehave.
Looks oddly similar to Honey Smacks
lil homie was backed *up*!
That poor thing needs more fiber in its diet.
This is a first for me, never seen bee poop!
I was today years old when I saw a bee take a poop.
I cant bee-lieve that all came out of that 1 bee. Impressive!
Had a butterfly do that on my arm once, I had a rash/burn there for like a week…
That creeps me out.. that is a-lot of volume coming out.
So those dotted lines were just shit all this time? Not just some artist way of showing a bees flight pattern? Just shit? TIL
Poor guy had taco beel
This is why I am on Reddit! My wife says I don’t learn anything? Bullshit! (Sorry, beeshit!)
Can an entomologist or bee keeper tell us what is actually going on?
Just what I expected out of this thread. 95% unfunny bee puns.
Imagine hearing bees laughing while doing this
So this is definitely poop, and not the 🐝 bleeding out after stinging something?
This music is cancer
Someone went to Taco Bell on their way back to the hive.
My morse code is a bit rusty, but I think it’s the start of a knock knock joke
“Cleansing Flight” This little lady is healthy and happy.
I officially now know more about boo poop than I ever could’ve imagined.
Anyone here knows morse code?
The aftermath.. You know the score.. Flying around all week, and you just have to have a heavy sesh on the honey with the lads.. Things escalate and before you know it, you’re doing 10 lines of pollen, and trying to shag a blue bottle..
Sunday morning isn’t so good..
My dad had an observation that seems apropos: “I guess he’s buying that jacket … he put a deposit on it”
Bees actually hold their poop for a long time. They will only poop if conditions are right for it. They can stay in the hives during winter and not fill it with poop or have to go into the cold and die to poop that way. Sometimes they will take “cleansing flights” in winter if they can’t hold it anymore and fly out and around and back to the hive pooping their tiny brains out before they freeze.
This little dude had probably been holding it for a long time and then suddenly the air temp and humidity all came together and he gets sweet sweet relief.
The bee has likely been fed on sugar water after harvest, sometimes it can lead to an outbreak of dysentery in the hive especially if the syrup isn’t mixed correctly. – source- I’m a beekeeper
Them flowers outside Taco Bell hit different