You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means
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You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means
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“we changed it back in the 9th century… Used to be shithouse”
Sh*thouse didn’t fit?
maybe it’s French for something. Haha
California is a toilet
Fuck off
“It’s my family name. We changed it because the original version was used to much.”
“What was your original name?”
It’s a fan plate for someone’s favourite character in Top Secret!
What other meaning is there other than toilet?
I understand the license plate.
I don’t understand the intent of this post.
“It used to be Shithouse!”
— Latrine the Witch
I thought that was her name
The “latrine”? Hey fellas, the “latrine”! Well, ooh la di da, Mr. French Man.
Well what do you call it?
A shithole.
Benny’s Car
You changed it *to* Latrine?
Merry Christmas! Shitter was full.
That’s her name, 😂
He’s obviously a Top Secret movie fan.
My uncle always called the toilet the latrine because that was the term used in the military back in the 60s.
Latrine and Squirrely! I loved that old show.
Chocolate mousse!
I feel very out of the loop here. Some American thing?
My neighbor’s name was Latrine DeMaris. She was a nice lady. Gave out popcorn balls at Halloween…
Lol two different movies 🤣
You wish you could be as indigenous as them, and you know it.
I know a little german….he’s sitting over there.
“Such an unusual name..’Latrine’ how did your family come by it?”
“We changed it in the 9th century!”
“You mean you changed it..to Latrine?”
“Yeah! Used to be SHITHOUSE.”
“It’s a good change..it’s a GOOD changee”.
LATRINE is an anagram for Entrail and the car is the Fit so we have “Fit Entrail”. The driver is obviously proud of their colon health and clean latrine.
Always wanted to marry a cop!
I wonder how many people have peed on this car.
Editor for the LA Times.
“You changed your name TO latrine?”
“Yeah! It used to be shithouse!”
“That’s a good change… a good change!”
Shitter’s full!
Used to be shithouse
Latrine is Army for bathroom. Am I missing something?
Your Uber pulls up, and this is the license plate. You getting in?
It’s California, the tag is accurate.
“You changed your name *TO* ‘Latrine’?! What was it before?!”
Don’t kink shame guys. It isn’t funny.
Robin Hood Men In Tights – Used To Be Shithouse / Atthe Movies
“Prince John : You mean you changed it TO “Latrine”?
Latrine : Yeah. Used to be “Shithouse.”
What do they think it means? I worked with a woman once who was named Latrina, her parents definitely didn’t know what it meant.
California? It means they don’t use their signal and drive too close behind
“Guessing!…….iiiii guess no one is coming!?……”
used to be shit house
Can anyone else see a horse’s head in the dirt below the plate?
Well California is turning into a toilet.
I’m now realizing that you can’t spell Latrine without LA (Never been there- I’m sure it’s nice).
When Will Americans Stop Using Capital Letters For All Words. It Makes It Harder To Read For My Normal Functioning Brain. PlEaSe StOp