You ever notice how the brotherhoods who get stuff done…all seem to be the ones who are splinters?
View Reddit by CevicheLemon – View Source
You ever notice how the brotherhoods who get stuff done…all seem to be the ones who are splinters?
View Reddit by CevicheLemon – View Source
I don’t know the lore. Which of these are splinter factions?
I mean.. At the core of the original ideology, they aren’t the good guys.
The BoS lore is all over the place because they are used for whatever is more convenient to the story.
Veronica for life.
To a schmuck wearing a leather jacket with one sleeve, armed with a shitty pistol, these guys seemed absolutely godlike in the first couple of games. Even the name sounded awesome. THE BROTHERHOOD OF STEEL. I guess it’s why I keep falling for this faction lol. It’s like Mr. House says in New Vegas when you object to destroying the Brotherhood.
“Don’t tell me you’ve fallen for the stories of noble paladins on crusades….”
Oh, I have, House, I have.
Nice artwork, btw. The armors are so detailed.
The other BoS factions get stuff done… just not stuff the rest of the Wasteland likes
brotherhood of steel are the equivalent to a 40k chapter, the “good guys”.
Their biggest mistake remains parking their blimp in visual range of my artillery.
Ohai Cev.
We miss you on /r/FoxholeGame.
Okay bai
BOS is a very interesting faction, because they understand that the world was destroyed due to misused technology, so they decide to horde all the technology for themselves.
It’s like, they have to clear the landmines out of the monkey-cages.
Bloat and bureaucracy.
It keeps everything slowed down. People at the top keep kicking the can down the road because it gets them paid for minimal work.
Almost like the fallout license has been passed around a whole bunch and the lore is a complete fucking mess at this point.
Dunno how you get invested in that universe at this point.
The chart looks about right to me.
I like that the march of time causes each one of their hideouts/enclaves to become independent and do their own thing. Thus, when a new Fallout game comes out, you don’t necessarily know how THAT chapter’s gonna be like.
It’s like the original BoS were a “moral grey” fa tion whereas Bethesda’s BoS is just objectively good with a pinch of a superiority complex and a dash of healthy racism.
Given Fallout 4 BoS is run by a man that was a child when Enclave remnants were surrendering to join the BoS yeah it’s entirely possible he was just indoctrinated into their ideology.
It’s not that like that kind of thing doesn’t happen in the real world already
fallout 4 is a splinter group. I thought it was the reunified BOS I thought it was that the outcasts of fallout 3 won and then had combined with air resources from the western brotherhood.
Dunno what any of this means
Jeez idk almost like the brotherhood are meant to be doomed from the offset because of the failings of their ideology
Brotherhood all day.
Ad Victoriam.
Holy shit someone actually played fallout B.O.S.? What an awful game that was…
For anyone interested a canticle for Leibowitz, the book that inspired them, is a pretty good read.
Cev ? You were here all this time ?
They were the best in Fallout 3.
Because BoS are supposed to be assholes
Honestly, I dig it. You’re never gonna find an organization in the real world that’s 100% wedded to a single ideology, so having the BoS all over the place with its ideals and actions in different places and time periods feels pretty realistic to me.
Ad Victoriam.
Its sad but op has a point.
What’s worse is these guys clearly can stand the test of time, surviving from 2076 to nearly 200 years later, yet they always turn to authoritarian and power hungry motives that make them no better than the standard raider. The BoS has the power to become the hero that reunites the wasteland, but are just as easily capable of tearing it apart.