You can’t resist having every console variant of the same game.
View Reddit by NinjaMario02 – View Source
You can’t resist having every console variant of the same game.
View Reddit by NinjaMario02 – View Source
I mean, first off I don’t own all consoles from the same gen, neither would young me ever prioritize buying the same game for different platforms with limited money, that just seems dumb tbh.
My father did that with Medal of Honor: Frontline he loved the game so much. Plus it guaranteed he could still play it if one of the other systems was being monopolised by me.
Sorry to be that guy, but you’re missing the Gameboy Advance version.
Have you played or do you own the *Rehydrated* remake for Xbox One, PS4 and Switch too?
This is me for skyrim lol, I have it on everything. Not sure if you know this but they came out with a new version of that game for ps4 a couple years ago! Same game but without the reversed controls and updated graphics!
I love this game I beat it on ps2 and want to do it again some day
I’ve bought skyrim like 10 different times
I used to do that often with the home console and handheld equivalent, which ended up being an entirely different game.
Good example of this were two *The Sims* spin-offs; *Bustin Out* & *The Urbz*. I actually preferred the handheld versions.
I love how they look so similar, yet so different.
But why
Even with. Pokemon this never made sense.
Still wish they made a proper triple a rpgesque sequel to this. (cosmic Shake not counting)
I do in a way. I have tomb raider from 2013 on 360(first version) loved it and ended up getting the steam version for pc. I got it on ps3 through ps plus. I re bought it on Xbox one when they released a 1080p version. Then a few years later bought it on ps4 to play multiplayer with friends.
Since then I also got it on epic as a freebie too. As far as I know I’ve completed the set lol.
Scott the Woz, is that you?
Rockstar loves people like you
I did
All of them are the re-release/best seller edition. Thats weird and awesome at the same time haha
I had this with Street Fighter 4. PS3, Xbox 360, and then Steam because I left my consoles at my parents’ house and felt nostalgic. Add in my favourite costumes and I’ve probably spend over $500 on this old ass game.
Such a great time
For the culture
Ifa funny because spongebob? Is that the joke?
I would only get the best version which is probably the Xbox, then GameCube.
That game aint even good, why have 3 copies of it?
That’s Skyrim for me, I own 360,Xbox one, anniversary edition Xbox/ps, ps3 and ps4, and pc vanilla copy.
I do this a lot too
This feels like me installing the same 140gb game on my main gaming rig and the one in the living room. So much wasted SSD space.
Licensed games were always a good time, sad that that time has come and gone so quickly
Why? Its just a disc. I played it on the PS2. If I want to replay it I can just emulate it for free.
*The Simpsons Game* is the best one to choose for this – every platform has a different cover [there’s a reddit thread about it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/ifs0s0/fun_fact_every_version_of_the_simpsons_game_that/)!
Scott the woz would be impressed
I most certainly can
Mental illness
If you ever wonder why elder scrolls 6 or gta6 will never happen its cuz of fools like this. Buying the literal same game over and over and over. No reason for those companies to dedicate time and effort to a new game when the idiot Gamers print them money.
What about the remastered
Scott is that you?
Who has two thumbs and spends their money wisely? This guy

What a genuine waste of money.
Yes, I can cuz that’s dumb.
I do own a PS2 and an Xbox version of it. Just because the German team of THQ/Nick decided to put a Germanised version of it on to the PS2. The GameCube and Xbox version are 100% english only beside the manual. For Beeing a kids game released in a none english speaking country this is stupid. My dad had to sit beside me and had to translate everything back in the day.
Yes I can
There are only 3 games where I have ever bought the same game but for a different system.
The first was Skyrim. My brother took his PS3 copy when he moved out. So I bought a PS4 and PS4 version.
Minecraft pocket edition, and from limited PS3 version to full version on PS4.
And finally Stardew Valley, from mobile version to PS4 version.
I bought them because I bought a PS4.
Now I’m looking into getting a PS5 for Christmas maybe.
Sometimes I will depending on the game, and how cheap I can get it.
I think I leaned into it the most with No More Heroes.
I have the wii copies of 1 and 2, desperate struggle on ps3 and xbox360 (japanese) travis strikes back on PC and switch, and III on switch and xbox.