Saturday, February 15All That Matters

Yeah, they seem qualified to teach children.


  • Lawyers wrote that not teachers.

    But, you’d be shocked what people do on school property after hours b/c they think it’s public property and they have free reign. Nothing quite like having a 1st grader find a used condom or drug needle on a playground climbing set

  • It seems like a large percentage of reddit is of the opinion that its compton and i shouldn’t expect better. We’re too poor to expect our schools to spell right, check their work or take responsibility for thier mistakes.

    I think that might be the funniest thing about this whole thing.

    Edit: I refuse to edit! You’ll take my misspelling and you’ll like it reddit! Stop complaining and be grateful I even made my post. (Sarcasm)

  • I realize this is just a silly post in /r/funny, but for whatever reason my procrastinating brain decided to derail my evening and look into this. I was curious how the municipal code phrased the provision. As it turns out, the spelling error may not be the real error here.

    [Compton Municipal Code]( does not contain a §63.94. In fact the Code only has 35 sections and has only ever had 35 sections since its creation in 1985.

    [Los Angeles Municipal Code]( on the other hand does contain §63.94, and the provision addresses trespass on school grounds. However, as far as I can tell by reading through the Compton Municipal Code and its [Adopting Ordinance](, Los Angeles Municipal Code is not interchangeable with Compton Municipal Code and cannot be incorporated by reference or anything like that. They’re distinct municipalities with distinct charters and codes.

    I kind of wonder if whoever in Compton City Hall was tasked with drafting these signs just found an LA school sign and copied it (and added a typo for good measure).

    (I should caveat this by saying that I am generally unfamiliar with municipal law in LA County outside of these 20 minutes of research and may be totally wrong here.)

  • Chill out edgelord. The city makes these signs. You think schools have money to make signs like this? There is a sign in my local park that forbids skatboarding. Who’s fault is that? The teachers too?

  • Other funny thing is; Municipal Codes are not law, that’s why they call them codes. Plus, the state, county, & city cannot be a victim. So actually, this sign is completely pointless! 🤣

  • I’m going to put this here because people have a lot of preconceived notions about what is is to live here.

    Now, some very emotional people tried to make my funny observation into something it wasn’t but have failed at every attempt.

    I ask again. With 350 million dollars pledged, are “k” stickers still way too expensive?

    Compton high school is undergoing a 200 million dollar renovation. Sticker still to expensive?

    You took a joke and turned it into an embarrassing scene where the racist right and ultra left wing liberals both found comfort in eachother and their insults.

    I am the imperfect messenger of what might be a perfect message.

    Politics is full of shit.

    Too funny

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