**Synopsis**: At a secluded farmhouse in Texas, a film crew arrives to shoot an adult film. Their hosts, a reclusive elderly couple, take a special interest in their young guests. As night falls the couple’s leering interest turns violent.
Feeling a lot of visual inspiration from the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, which I’m down for. Excited to see what weird directions the plot takes (grandma be horny?)
This seems to be a genre of film that I just absolutely can’t get behind. I’m almost envious of people that do. I just get nothing out of it besides being scared…!?
I am surprised by how much I love this trailer. It’s so stylized, from the music, to that glowing font. I think my favorite part was when the title was introduced as the camera was panning down to reveal the woman beneath the bed.
I don’t think I’ve ever said “my favorite part of the trailer was when…” before.
Also, since someone suggested a genre shift halfway through, my prediction is that they end up being a part of a real horror movie.
**Synopsis**: At a secluded farmhouse in Texas, a film crew arrives to shoot an adult film. Their hosts, a reclusive elderly couple, take a special interest in their young guests. As night falls the couple’s leering interest turns violent.
In Theaters March 18
I’m looking forward to it. Ti West did one of my favourite horror films (The House of the Devil)
A horror movie based around a crazy unwell grandmother? I see Maebe finally got [_Gangie_](https://arresteddevelopment.fandom.com/wiki/Gangie) out of development hell.
I love the atmosphere in Ti West’s films. He helped with the breakthrough of the indie horror genre last decade. Looking forward to this.
Brittany Snow? Last movie I saw her in was John Tucker Must Die 15 years ago.
will Cudi hum in this one?
They way Kid Cudi is going from Don’t Look Up to A24. He’s gotta have good agent.
Exicted for this!
Ti West again doing a fantastic job making his films look really old school.
That guy is totally doing a Matthew McConaughey impression for his southern accent.
A24 + Reddit = front page?
More Foghat please.
Feeling a lot of visual inspiration from the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, which I’m down for. Excited to see what weird directions the plot takes (grandma be horny?)
For real thought this was a texas chainsaw reboot with a different title for most of the trailer
I have a feeling this is going to have a cabin in the woods style genre swap right in the middle
Jenna Ortega is really solidifying the scream queen role.
RLM forced me to watch “Massaging the Elderly” but now the elderly are doing the massaging. Oh my gooood!
Jenna Ortega is really in the running as the new scream queen between this and Scream. Looks great!
Looks a bit like the “Home” house from X-Files.
Probably one of the best episodes of the show
Looks good! Trailer is ridiculously spoiler-heavy though.
X gonna give it to ya.
Minus the porn aspect of the plot this kind of reminds me of “The Visit”
I’m having a real hard time keeping up with these xmen movies. Is this a sequel or a reboot again?
Holy hell this looks like it was shot in the 70s
Finally the Touch of Satan remake we’ve been waiting for!
There is gonna be a lot of naked saggy old lady boobs in this isn’t there?
This seems to be a genre of film that I just absolutely can’t get behind. I’m almost envious of people that do. I just get nothing out of it besides being scared…!?
What the fuck is the tone of this movie supposed to be lol
Seeing that it’s A24, I thought, “alright what are they going to make scary now…….. vintage porn. Great.”
I am surprised by how much I love this trailer. It’s so stylized, from the music, to that glowing font. I think my favorite part was when the title was introduced as the camera was panning down to reveal the woman beneath the bed.
I don’t think I’ve ever said “my favorite part of the trailer was when…” before.
Also, since someone suggested a genre shift halfway through, my prediction is that they end up being a part of a real horror movie.