Wow! What a Year of Gaming it’s been. Made a fun little collage of all the games I’ve played this year and my personal rating.
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Wow! What a Year of Gaming it’s been. Made a fun little collage of all the games I’ve played this year and my personal rating.
View Reddit by adeel001 – View Source
How was crisis core? Worth picking up if I only played the ff7 remake?
I thought Dragon Quest XI was easily a 9-10/10 for the first half of the game.
But >!then dropped hard down to a 6/10 for the rest because of the “abandon all of your friends in one timeline to go back in time and stop the bad stuff from happening in the first place” thing!<
Definitely recommend people play it still.
How many hours?
This is actually nice.
How’d you like Bioshock 2 compared to Infinite? clumsy racism narrative not withstanding wrt to Infinite, I thought Bioshock 2 was the more visceral, compelling, and consistently more interesting to experience. Infinite felt like a plane i kept expecting to leave the runway before we eventually just docked again at the airport after circling the landing strip a bunch of times.
as a god slayer. im gonna piss of if you doesnt include gow on that list hahahah
Gotta ask how did you like tales of arise?
Nice work
I suspect your games library is getting “up there” 😀
The number of games people play always surprise me. I know that I have a tendency to be very focused on a single game/task. so it makes me wonder how many you have in total.
I played the Harry potter game, D4 and Baldurs Gate 3.
On top of that I purchased but haven’t finished:Jedi survivour, Kingdom come deliverance and Assassins creed black flag (i felt like i needed some pirate content). I doubt I’ll ever open the Jedi game again, but the other 2 I might finish.
Love seeing enslaved: Odyssey to the west on here. Loved that game.
Hi, Is FFVI online only or can I play solo?
I agree with the ratings of the games I’ve played so now the other are getting added to my to play list, thanks for some solid recommendations.
I was just wondering if gris was any good
Hahaha I’m playing bioshock 2 remastered cause I’ve had it in my.steam library forever. Next is infinite or Spiderman homecoming
Hey! What template (if any) did you use to make this? This is nice and clean. Would love to make something like this and share it with friends.
I gotta play Tales of Arise
Ahhh fellow Warriors fan
So glad you put gris on here.
Tales of Arise was such a good game! Tales of Zestyria was kinda bland in my opinion though
Is there an app or webpage we can create our version of this in like 5 mins or did just use a computer?
Cool list btw hoping u enjoyed Ragnarok Im a big Gow fan.