January 29, 2023 by min_maxed_max [ad_1] Would you still keep the carrot? [ad_2] View Reddit by min_maxed_max – View Source
This is the first comic I saw on reddit today. Less than 5 minutes after waking up. It’s gonna be a good day January 29, 2023 at 12:52 pm Reply
i don’t agree with the stereotypes but those who would say, “i see this as an absolute win” January 29, 2023 at 1:02 pm Reply
As long as there is no rock-booty dookie on it, sure. Why not? Most. Vegetables are grown in shit anyways. January 29, 2023 at 1:20 pm Reply
Rabbits eat their own shit by design, this probably wouldn’t bother them at all. January 29, 2023 at 4:44 pm Reply
This is cute! From a humor perspective, it might be better without the bottom row. Funnier, at least, but humor is subjective so I might be in the minority. January 29, 2023 at 6:56 pm Reply
Damn, i got #8852 on the repost ticket for this image, guess it’s gonna be a while until i’ll be able to repost it. January 30, 2023 at 7:48 am Reply
It’s the excarrotbur
This is the first comic I saw on reddit today. Less than 5 minutes after waking up. It’s gonna be a good day
I’m so confused…
Carrots are really bad for rabbits…
i don’t agree with the stereotypes but those who would say,
“i see this as an absolute win”
As long as there is no rock-booty dookie on it, sure. Why not? Most. Vegetables are grown in shit anyways.
I don’t get it
Id give it a rinse first…
He got food and a new home 😏
Thanks, I hate it.
me: Confused scream….. reads comic for the second time
AhHhaNn ?
The Enel face
No, put it back!
I’d dive deeper into that rabbit hole
Rabbits eat their own shit by design, this probably wouldn’t bother them at all.
Onyx enters the chat.
That carrot would go perfectly in a tossed salad
*Lord forgive me for what I’m about to do*
This is funny and original
I do know whose carrot it was….
Gross. This is a weird subgenre of deeply stupid cringe humor.
This is cute! From a humor perspective, it might be better without the bottom row. Funnier, at least, but humor is subjective so I might be in the minority.
this is Link in Zelda: BOTW meeting the Great Fairy
Damn, i got #8852 on the repost ticket for this image, guess it’s gonna be a while until i’ll be able to repost it.
You people are fucked up