I finally picked up a copy of the book this was (loosely) based off of so I gave it another go recently. Gameplay and story still hold up really well, and the B&W/Color system was pretty innovative. I’d buy a remake/remaster in a heartbeat.
I still say “That’s whatcha get fucker!” In a bad Irish accent because of this game. I also liked the different challenges, but don’t remember what they unlocked anymore, the only one I can remember was to destroy a heavy tank and an airship in the same wanted level, which required some creative problem solving. I also liked how in the races if you knocked another car into the water they were just out of the race. This was an excellent game.
I loved this game. One of my favorite things to do was plant a remote explosive on a guard tower and then position the camera in front of me as I walked away and the tower explodes in the background.
I’ve been saying this for years. Or atleast a remastered edition. Everything about this game was on point, from the B&W to color progression, down to the climbing mechanics “chef kiss”. I know there has to be some Devs. out there who also agree this game deserves another round.
Even just a re master would be great. One of my all time favorite games.
Oooh baby the nostalgia that has flooded back to me, thank you my internet friend
The climb system was actually good
I finally picked up a copy of the book this was (loosely) based off of so I gave it another go recently. Gameplay and story still hold up really well, and the B&W/Color system was pretty innovative. I’d buy a remake/remaster in a heartbeat.
Loved this game. Loved the color change when you liberate a part of the city.
The Sabo2eur
I remember there was a trophy for jumping off the Eiffel tower and surviving.
If anyone who can is listening, please make this happen
I remember getting my mom to buy me the strategy guide cause I knew there was a code to uncensor the game in it.
One of my all time favorites. Thanks for the nostalgia hit OP
O sweet memories!
I would love it!! I replayed that game 3 times
The people who worked on that are probably not with EA a *while* now. Heard someone who worked on this was on the assassins creed team later on
Haven’t played it yet, bought it a few weeks back. EA used to make awesome games so I got it.
What’s good about it specifically?
Sausage bastard. Great game.
I still say “That’s whatcha get fucker!” In a bad Irish accent because of this game. I also liked the different challenges, but don’t remember what they unlocked anymore, the only one I can remember was to destroy a heavy tank and an airship in the same wanted level, which required some creative problem solving. I also liked how in the races if you knocked another car into the water they were just out of the race. This was an excellent game.
Def need a HD remaster at least. A sequel or prequel or anything in that game world would be awesome. Top 10 ps3 game for me
This game actually made me feel like my missions was important and urgent and the parkour was so satisfying. Might get it again
This was a cracking game, solid mechanics for the time and the lighting effects were really cool as you liberated the city.
Also, and can someone please confirm or correct this, I’m pretty sure this game used the phrase ‘knob jockey’ at one point.
I loved this game. One of my favorite things to do was plant a remote explosive on a guard tower and then position the camera in front of me as I walked away and the tower explodes in the background.
The bringing the color back as you killed more nazis was good fun
I am grinning like a cat with a cream flavored a$$hole after reading this post.
God this game was fun
Sucks EA shut down Pandemic. This game and Mercenaries 2 were awesome
Omg whenever I bring this game up no one has ever heard of it. One of my all time favorite games.
This game never got enough credit. Amazing game!
I think it’s personally somewhere in the top 5 for most underrated games of the 21st century to me.
Great game, would play the heck out of a remake, remaster or sequel.
I’ve been saying this for years. Or atleast a remastered edition. Everything about this game was on point, from the B&W to color progression, down to the climbing mechanics “chef kiss”. I know there has to be some Devs. out there who also agree this game deserves another round.
Really would have liked to see this on Xbox backwards compatibility. Ea probably didn’t want to re-license music or something like that.