October 4, 2023 by Regalrefuse [ad_1] World’s greatest punny store name [ad_2] View Reddit by Regalrefuse – View Source
Just outside of Birmingham (UK edition) is a town called Shirley (yes, I am being serious 😁). It has a Chinese restaurant called……………….Shirley Temple! 😂 October 4, 2023 at 7:14 pm Reply
Saw this Vietnamese place called Pho King. Not sure if it was intentional October 4, 2023 at 7:30 pm Reply
I prefer the sofa store “Sofa King” with their “Sofa King low prices” October 4, 2023 at 9:55 pm Reply
It closed since COVID but there used to be a store called Britches & Hose in the town where my parents live. October 5, 2023 at 7:08 am Reply
Whoever is buying the Trump socks in the bottom right needs to save some pussy for the rest of us. October 5, 2023 at 8:09 am Reply
There’s a socker born every minute
Socks to be you ,I know I know ,socks to be u ,I know it’s true 🎵🎵🎵
Unless you’re Dobby.
🎶On Avenue Q~🎶
Just outside of Birmingham (UK edition) is a town called Shirley (yes, I am being serious 😁). It has a Chinese restaurant called……………….Shirley Temple! 😂
Kicksocking Magafuckers.
I’m partial to “Custard’s Last Stand”
There’s a place in the Mall of America called Socks Appeal.
Saw this Vietnamese place called Pho King. Not sure if it was intentional
Unbeweavable. Its a weave store.
I prefer the sofa store “Sofa King” with their “Sofa King low prices”
I saw a store in Europe called “Schmuck” once.
Thai restaurant called Thai Dye.
The Jerk Store called
They spent all of $3.99 on that sign
It could be a Bob’s Burger intro idea
I know I know
Next door to Bob’s Burgers?
Sneeds feed and seed (formerly Chucks)
Socks for you! Woulda been better in my opinion.
Ehh it’s alright
SOCKS. It is what it is in Spanish.
TONY BEATS must have started them!!!!!
There is/was a salon near here named “Curl Up And Dye”
It closed since COVID but there used to be a store called Britches & Hose in the town where my parents live.
Whoever is buying the Trump socks in the bottom right needs to save some pussy for the rest of us.
There used to be a sandwich shop here called “How the Foccaccia?”
10/10 no notes
I love to Bangkok.
False the best pun store name is Dick Liquors