World War II bunker in Saint-Malo, France
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World War II bunker in Saint-Malo, France
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That thing’s certainly seen some shit
Didn’t know they made French bunkers out of chocolate.
I bet it feels really safe in there! I hope they have a heated blanket and cocoa. That would be nice
Any thoughts on what made those dimples? 2 inch cannon?
I think crew inside was deaf before dead.
Its a german bunker in france
Who put their finger in the cake??
This makes me think of Eddie Murphy saying, “That’s not IIIIIiiiiit!”
This makes my ears ring.
It was basically an over built German bell that fateful afternoon.
In all seriousness, was this damage caused by tanks?
Holy shelling Batman
Imagine the sound in there when all that shit is hitting the outside.
Pretty accurate firing (though I’m not sure how many total were fired)
Looks like a chocolate cake and someone kept stealing the icing
Mmm chocolate bunker.
It’s a test bunker, never used in actual combat.
While dwployed to iraq there were some old bmp we’d shoot at to test our weapons before going out, those things must of had at least a decade of multiple companies testing daily shooting at the thing. Source: FOB Normandy, Iraq
Can the gun barrel be retracted inside the turret? Because wouldn’t it just get destroyed under that weight of fire anyway?
Well, we know which way the wind blew in *that* shitstorm ….
Damn looks like unfired clay
Looks like a giant car tire
We’ve been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty.
Come at me bro!
“They’re trying to kill me,” Yossarian told him calmly.
“No one’s trying to kill you,” Clevinger cried.
“Then why are they shooting at me?” Yossarian asked.
“They’re shooting at everyone,” Clevinger answered. “They’re trying to kill everyone.”
And what difference does that make?
-Joseph Heller, Catch 22
Sorry I needed to blow off some steam 😅
Don’t make those soldiers run, they’re full of chocolate!
Least the crew couldn’t hear their demise
I always think of Saving Private Ryan when I see these WWII D-Day pictures.
This was indeed, the Day of all Days.
Looks like a chocolate cake
I wanna see a slow motion video of the shell hitting the bunker and making this damage.
Oh, it’s pure steel? Most bunkers are just reinforced concrete? Why is this one steel?
Imagine how fuckin loud that was
To shreds you say?