September 10, 2023 by prolixJiao743 World War 2 Welder 1945 [ad_2] View Reddit by prolixJiao743 – View Source
She may well be a welder but she’s not going to weld anything with that particular piece of equipment. September 10, 2023 at 3:00 pm Reply
How exactly do you know she was a welder? She’s just holding a torch. She is more likely a brazer. September 10, 2023 at 8:55 pm Reply
“Hey, Russ, come look. I must’ve jumped her 50 yards!”
Hitler never stood a chance.
Steampunk glasses?
She may well be a welder but she’s not going to weld anything with that particular piece of equipment.
How exactly do you know she was a welder? She’s just holding a torch. She is more likely a brazer.
She looks something like Juliette Lewis.