Working on a 220 minesweeper level and I am completely stuck. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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Working on a 220 minesweeper level and I am completely stuck. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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On the right side – I believe if there are 3 1’s on a wall, it means the middle one has to be a mine
On the red part that comes out to the left you have two 3’s there and the one on the right must have a clear space above it.
You’ve got a lot of clear cells: top row below the left 1, middle right of top 2, middle bottom 2 diagonal up is clear, and above the bottom 2 on left
On the top side you have 32(1)11, you can’t have a mine under the 1 next to the 2. Cause if you did the 1 in the corner would be 0.
So it’s safe to take the one square under 32(1)11 the marked (1).
There’s a bomb at the top under the middle three
After some feedback this is where I am now. https://imgur.com/a/leVDMmx
this is why freecell frustrates me. simple rules, but sometimes you literally have to guess.