Women burn their Hijabs in protest for a Kurdish woman
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Women burn their Hijabs in protest for a Kurdish woman
View Reddit by senpaiivenus – View Source
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How will they get home??
That one in front of the left car has a beard… Or are these masks? … Lmfao, I think they’re masks.
They protest their want for a Kurdish woman? Don’t we all?
Sad for other reasons….
Using the Hijab for defiance..
Think before you burn the Hijab…
[Here](https://i.imgur.com/0Xd4c16.jpg) is the uncropped version of this image. It [appears](https://twitter.com/Shayan86/status/1572945182663868416) that this happened on September 22 in Bandar Abbas, Hormozgan province.
Basically the streets of Iran are filled with protests right now over the killing of a woman. Iran is quite united in this fight right now and the government is having trouble beating it back.
The protestors aren’t just calling for the end of the mandatory dress codes but the end of the regime all together.
Also, this protest happened in Hormozgan not Iranian Kurdistan. Don’t push seperatism agendas when Iran needs unity to win against the regime and Kurdish seperatism isn’t a huge thing in Iran as it is in Turkey and Syria, since Kurdish peoples are of the Iranic group.
Not safe for women?
Not safe for westerners?
Not safe for wahabis?
This protest happened in southern Iran not in Kurdistan. There’s been a concerted effort by some non-Iranian Kurds and other shills trying to make this a Kurdish seperatist issue when the entirety of Iran is in revolt for this Mahsa Amini.
How in the world is this NSFW? please
Yea, we’ll see what happens. This has happened before, yet here we are, again…
Alexa play ring of fire
Burn the Mullahs
Kumballah, my lord, kumballah.
Women burning Hijabs, Kumballah.
Iran is being subverted right now and this post is part of the campaign. Y’all don’t give a shit about Iran or their people, you’ve brutally sanctioned them for decades, seeking to deprive them of almost all outside trade, oil, gas, medicines, food…. This is an attempt to overthrow the current regime in Iran though cia instigated protests on the ground in Iran, and media propaganda and virtue signaling online
And then there are the converted ones in our country terrorizing, destroying public property to wear it.
Hijab has nothing to do to what is happening in Iran, In Islam u can not to wear Hijab, but u will be sinned, Iran doesn’t represent Islam or follow Islamic law; everything they did to the women there is against Islamic law.
And a fun fact: The last commandments of the Messenger of Islam (pbuh) were about women. He said: “He who believes in Allah and the last Day should not harm his neighbor; and take my advice regarding good treatment of women etc.”
To read the entire message with explanation, [here](https://islamic-content.com/hadeeth/126/en#:~:text=%D8%B4%D8%B1%D8%AD%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D8%AF%D9%8A%D8%AB%20%3A,a%20kind%20and%20good%20manner).
just thinking out of the box here guys but what would it take for women to wanna go protest and just get naked?