Tuesday, October 1All That Matters

Woman in hospice gives her final update.

Woman in hospice gives her final update.

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  • obliquelyobtuse

    I am not OP. Had no idea what this was. Watched the 3 min video. Looked up channel stats.

    This is genuine, exactly as titled. Sue Sloan is an art/painting Youtube creator ~29K subs, painting “dot mandalas”.

    Her channel:

    * “Sues Mandalas”, recently renamed “Mike Sloan” (her husband)
    * Created Jan. 2019
    * 458 Uploads
    * 28.9K Subscribers
    * Genre: “How To” art

    There is no promotional intent behind this clip, it is a “final update” as described. She is in hospice with a few months remaining. She found out March 2022 that cancer had returned. After 450 art videos in 3 years she stopped making art videos at that time. There have been only three update videos after that, the most recent was 6 months ago, followed by the above video from August 19 which is likely her final upload.

    It is entirely reasonable (even expected and appreciated) for a content creator to address their audience prior to their pending mortality. Some might even find it profound. In any case, if someone who is terminally ill making a video to their subscribers is not of interest to you, look elsewhere.

  • kwskii

    My grandma painted Mandalas her whole life, always happy even when life threw everything at her.

    She left us this year.

    She doesn’t look like my grandma at all but it still connected the dots in my brain. I’m glad she was able to have her send-off. I wish I had something like this from my grandma to watch when I’m sad


  • monjorob

    This touched me in a way I would not have expected. It begins with her giving a pretty matter-of-fact update about her health situation, and why she’s going to stop updating the channel, and logistics surrounding it. It’s obvious she’s not afraid of what is coming. However, when she starts thanking the viewers, it’s obvious that she’ll miss them, and that the channel was a source of joy in her life that she is sad to be leaving that experience behind. The realization that she’ll never be able to paint with her daughter again- the thoughts of others are in the end what matters. The relationships we build with those we love are what matters to her in this most human moment.

    Love others and build relationships. It seems to be what matters most.

  • _HotSoup

    That was very sweet, and sad. From personal experience the one silver lining of being in this situation is that you at least have the time and foresight to talk and spend time with the people you care about, as she mentioned.

    Both my parents were in hospice / palliative care a few years apart. Some of the people who work in these areas are incredible. I remember a few who I could tell genuinely really, really cared a lot about me and my family’s wellbeing, and were able to articulate it in ways others could not. It was very touching; even got personalized cards in the mail for awhile after. Very strong, empathetic and compassionate people.

  • mshelbz

    I can’t bring myself to watch this video but my heart goes out to her family.

    Please make time to spend it with your loved ones, you will regret even one instance and play it over and over in your head.

    Fuck cancer

  • jefft1011

    This hurts to watch. A year ago today, my father was diagnosed with gliosarcoma. We recently made the decision to go on home hospice and know it’s a matter of time. Thankful we had a year and we made sure it was a hell of a year.
    I hope Sue is able to rest comfortably in the time she has left.
    F cancer!

  • cubo

    I have doubts whether it’s a good idea to post something like this on reddit. The woman wanted to say goodbye to her viewers who had been watching her for years. Setting off a bomb of internet clout may not be something she cared about, and this is clearly not a message for random people. Sure, we’ll all write about her here that she’s brave and amazing (and she actually seems to be) but the fact is that she’s been doing something for years and trying to share it with people, and what interested us the most is that she’s dying. It’s just sad. I’m glad she had some loyal viewers before. So once again – after watching it, I don’t feel like I’m the recipient of the message.

    Even the title – “woman in hospice”.

  • NUMBERS2357

    To steal a point from someone, nobody ever “loses their battle with cancer”. When the person dies, the cancer also dies – which really means they tied.

  • HopeOfSpira

    This was gut wrenching to watch and I hope more than anything that she has a peaceful rest of her life and she ends up painting in heaven.

  • twerkinturkey

    I saw this about a week ago and it still makes me cry every time I think about it. Its so cruel how it always seems like the kindest, sweetest people have these awful things happen to them. She posted on tiktok a few times after this video ([https://www.tiktok.com/@suesmandalas](https://www.tiktok.com/@suesmandalas)) so she’s still hanging in there, but who knows for how much longer. Its just not fair, and you feel so powerless because you can’t do anything to help save people like Sue, and now I’m crying again….

    Looking through her channel it seems she struggled with cancer for several years now. She would get treatment, it would go away, only for it to come back again. But each time she would show nothing but an innocent, almost child-like optimism that she’ll be fine and will eventually come back to making paintings for her channel (which are pretty good by the way!). She really loved painting; she said in one video that painting helped provide her with a happy place to deal with the major stresses in her life, particularly her and her husband’s health struggles. I have to admit, the few videos leading up to the last one where she shares that this time the treatments aren’t working and that she won’t be able to paint again kind of destroyed me. She deserved so much better.

    What I can’t get over is the sheer modesty in her voice. Despite these completely tragic circumstances she seems to be genuinely facing it without fear or complaint, but that only makes it all the more heartbreaking. I absolutely believe she didn’t post this video thinking it would go viral or get attention or whatever; she just genuinely wanted to say goodbye to her friends. Maybe its just me, but it feels like our modern age has gotten so cynical especially on the internet where people can be very cruel and fake and they’re always trying to sell you something. A kind and gentle soul like Sue seems like a vanishingly rare type of person, and *she’s* the one who has to meet a bitter end like this? Just fuck cancer so much, too many good people have been taken away too soon by this evil disease.

    Sorry if this comment was too much or whatever, I just felt the need to vent. Oh well no one will probably see this anyways

  • AndringRasew

    Just because I liked this post, doesn’t mean I’m happy having seen it. It hurt. Such a gentle soul is going to leave this world and I feel sad knowing it. May she rest well, enjoying the time she has left with her loved ones, and pass peacefully.

  • Uncle_Burney

    Peace and well wishes to you, Sue. I’m sorry this happened, and hope that, when my time comes, that I can be as strong, as brave, and as at peace as you.

  • SurfinSocks

    I did NOT expect to watch an emotional video about such a subject, only to scroll down and see the top comment is from NikocadoAvocado making a heartfelt comment.

  • resourceful_katalina

    Sue, I can already tell you’re genuinely the greatest person. You will always be here in the world with those who have met and seen your content and artwork.


    I hope she goes painlessly with loved ones all around her. Poor woman. My mum died of cancer and we watched it reduce her to skin and bones before she finally fell unconscious, and took her last breath 3 days later. It’s an absolutely gut-wrenching, agonizing thing to watch that disease take your loved one. Trying to spoon feed them their favourite foods when they don’t have an appetite even though they haven’t eaten for days. And they’re scared and getting annoyed even though you’re just trying to help them. It fucked me up for a good while and I felt… well nothing. Just numbness and indifference towards everything in the year following. I know now that I was depressed. I hope her family deal with it in the best way they can and get through it.

  • n00bvin

    As someone with serious health issue, it’s very difficult to face your mortality. You can make peace with everything and feel OK about it, but it still make you feel sad. You’re never going to see the things you want, and you reflect on the things you never did. You have regrets and there is nothing you can do about it. There is no more time, no more trying to fix things, it’s just all over. It is hard to describe.

    If you’re young, shit catches up to you QUICKLY. If I could do it all over, as much as I love my wife and daughter, I should have just traveled the world and experienced life. A family and a home is wonderful, and I because I know how watching my daughter grow into a wonderful woman has been special, I can’t say that I would trade it. But if I had never known that, I don’t know.

    The lucky part is that I got to see a lot of the world in the Navy, but that only created a hunger to see more. The world is an amazing place and most never see it but in pictures. It has to be experienced.

    Life CAN be amazing. Don’t waste it.

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