Woman being ticketed for indecent exposure at Rockaway Beach, 1946
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Woman being ticketed for indecent exposure at Rockaway Beach, 1946
View Reddit by BathApprehensive1224 – View Source
Cop’s gut should get a ticket for indecent exposure.
The cops gut is almost big enough for him to write tickets on comfortably
She should be ticketing him for his unlicensed FUPA
Looks like pretty decent exposure to me.
Looks like decent exposure to me!
She looks absolutely disgusted. Unsure if that is disgusted by him, the preposterous ticket, or both.
“Thanks Deputy Diabetes”
Bet that cop got deferred from the WW2 draft.
It’s not hard not far to reach, we can hitch a ride to Rockaway Beach.
I can’t even see her bellybutton for cripes sake!
I love the contempt and defiance on her face. She’s not remotely afraid of him.
Why is this cop harassing Sandra Bernhard?
Na.. he just wants her number
Just run. That guys heart would explode after 10m.
I loved her in “Alice”. Lol
At least he didn’t live long enough to see thong bikini’s.
That broad looks like she’d sock that cop right in the kisser!
Cops, needlessly hassling people since forever.
That look on her face of pure contempt says it all!
I thought Ralph Kramden was a bus driver.
He saved a lot of people that day.
That guys belly is indecent
Let’s all be glad the outfits aren’t reversed.
Cop gives birth while handing out ridiculous ticket!
I feel her facial expression in my soul
DeSatans next target
I think he is a cop that was used to be on steak 🥩out assignments and the chief noticed he was putting on the weight so now foot patrol is in order to help him out. Lmfao 🤪
That belt is working overtime. I didn’t think leather was able to stretch.
Maybe he has that disease, oh what’s it called again? Oh ya it’s called dick doo. His belly stick out farther than his dick doo. 😆
And I bet he enjoyed every second of it.
Joey Ramone would have something to say about that.
She couldve just walked away at a brisk pace and he would’ve never had a chance!
Cover up those ankles missy!
“It’s for your own safety, ma’am.”
Run girl!! That fat ass will never catch you!
At the beach? Nah, this is pure jealousy, given that man’s build 💀
Just wait until the 21st century, I’ve seen more skin at the mall
Spent the last 2 years riveting airplane wings 50 hrs/wk while this lard ass hasn’t missed donut day in the last 10 years.
Five bucks says that’s not what was going on here.
Her eyes say everything ⚡️⚡️!Love her!
that guys gut is indecent 🤣
Nice gams
That guys belly is indecent!!!💯💪🏽
Nothing about her body is indecent.
She looks like my nanna for real. A face that is taking absolutely zero shit, and legs for days.
She looks like she’s about to kick his ass lol