Winston Churchill, among other things an accomplished bricklayer, building a cottage for his daughters at his Chartwell estate in Kent (1928)
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Winston Churchill, among other things an accomplished bricklayer, building a cottage for his daughters at his Chartwell estate in Kent (1928)
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Accomplished genocider.
…among other things, including genocide, mass murder and multiple crimes against humanity. For every brick he laid he murdered thousands.
The biographies of Churchill by Manchester go into this. His thesis was that Churchill was manic-depressive but managed to fight through depression by forcing himself to work constantly. Wall building was one of the things he did to keep busy. I think you see something like this in Springsteen’s description of his own depression, that he overachieved during a lot of his career as a way of staving off depression.
Amongst other thing a raging mass murderer and racist. We Indians will never respect him ever. Hitler killed 6 million Jews. Churchill killed millions of Indians.
Churchill was good a laying pipe, too. Wink, wink.
I see the haters hate, it must hurt that one of the leaders the free world was a Torie ..
He was a man of his era
Hoe he accomplished so much by being a full on alcoholic amazes me.
Such a staged photo as was most his life. He wouldn’t have 3 piles of mud, it would set too quick. Multiple people were obviously told to get out of the photo
Not to be confused with his lesser-known cousin, confusingly also named Winston, who was an accomplished prime minister.
Doesn’t he look like Ken Clarke there? The toffs do have a certain look.
Doing a few good things doesn’t dismiss him being a racist whose decisions affected many people.
He seems to be the dog whistle for covert racists.
as Churchill told the Palestine Royal Commission: “I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place.”
Don’t know anything about building, but wouldn’t that dirt need to be held back somehow? Would it not all start to collapse in heavy rain and push against the brick?
At a time when a lot of brickies were out of work and the effin’ union gave him a union card.
Accomplished bricklayer and Mason
This guy knows how to dad.
A lot of mud on those boards unless he’s really fast. Guessing there are a couple more masons out of view. Doesn’t mean he’s not a legit mason, though.
I heard a story saying that yes, he did try to learn this, but he’d go and take a nap, and when he was asleep, his bodyguard and a master bricklayer would tear down what he did and lay it back up the right way.
Like Lukaszenko (Belarusian president) among other things an accomplished potato picker.
I’d hoddy for him.
Double-brick walls, by the look of it. Nice.
Why exactly are the commenters here simping so hard for a dead guy?
Damn, bricklaying and genocide. What a talented man
Legend has it that he could lay pipe too. If you know what I mean…
I’d honestly like to see more stuff like this. Politicians with actual skills beyond being a talking head. The last president I can think of that had anything like that was Clinton with his saxophone.
Heck, I’d have even appreciated Bush being an artist is it was a skill he had developed prior to being a potato.
Staged photo, he’s got too much mortar for a single bricklayer
Especially if he’s wasting time posing for photos
bricklayer , racist , pompous ass, he had it all
The oi bruvs and conservatives are triggered huh?
One of the worst men to live
Winston was also a British colonial bigot. So fuck him.
Fuk that racist mothafuka
That man came in power at the right time in history
How cool. My grandpa just laid pipe
Hod carriers do all the hard work🥴👈🏻
He also established the Black and Tans a group that massacred Irish people, other than that he was a good guy
He’s shitfaced here
Churchill is a ass wipe