I hate watching anything without subtitles now unless it’s a movie or show I’ve already seen but even sometimes then I will realize they said something different. I thought my hearing was getting worse but maybe I’m still just kinda deaf not really deaf
I disagree with the sound mixer on the topic of dynamic range. An explosion does not need to be 3 orders of magnitude louder than dialogue in order to be impactful. Film is a visual medium. We can see an explosion is as well as hearing it. It’s not necessary to blow out someone’s eardrums to make an explosion impressive. Just making it super loud and/or making dialogue inaudibly quiet from a relative standpoint seems like a crutch a bad film would need to keep your attention.
He gives us 3 solutions, but there is a 4th.
Bully filmmakers relentlessly.
Harass them until “dynamic range” is a dirty word because holy fuck, never in my life have I thought an explosion needed to be louder.
Even if It doesnt work, I get to shit talk Nolan at every opportunity, and thats a win right there.
Vox is GOAT content on Youtube 😀
I hate watching anything without subtitles now unless it’s a movie or show I’ve already seen but even sometimes then I will realize they said something different. I thought my hearing was getting worse but maybe I’m still just kinda deaf not really deaf
Big Subtitle has been manipulating the industry over the last decade to force us all into using them.
I disagree with the sound mixer on the topic of dynamic range. An explosion does not need to be 3 orders of magnitude louder than dialogue in order to be impactful. Film is a visual medium. We can see an explosion is as well as hearing it. It’s not necessary to blow out someone’s eardrums to make an explosion impressive. Just making it super loud and/or making dialogue inaudibly quiet from a relative standpoint seems like a crutch a bad film would need to keep your attention.
The preview image implies it’s just because Pete Davidson mumbles too much.
He gives us 3 solutions, but there is a 4th.
Bully filmmakers relentlessly.
Harass them until “dynamic range” is a dirty word because holy fuck, never in my life have I thought an explosion needed to be louder.
Even if It doesnt work, I get to shit talk Nolan at every opportunity, and thats a win right there.
Does this really need to be posted every day?