Wednesday, January 29All That Matters

Why the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is garbage


  • How did this guy, make a video about why MBTI is bullshit, and didn’t even mention it was developed by a housewife, with zero psychological education. As a test so she didn’t “marry the wrong man”

    EDIT: it’s there, just very brief and quiet.

  • Fuck MBTI and extra large fuck Enneagrams. While I’m at it, fuck the taste map of the tongue, Scientology, six sigma, Kolb learning styles, astrology, and chiropractic.

    Huge ups on Big 5. It straight-up tells you if you’re a piece of shit, and lots of people need to know that about themselves. like if you’re a piece of dogshit and need to hear it, big 5 will tell you, harshly. it will say “you’re a neurotic, closed-off, introverted asshole” and there’s no way to wiggle out of it.

    Another great one is Bob Altemeyer’s authoritarianism scale. It will tell you if you’re a fucking fascist (well, it’s geared toward western audiences but he claims it works on Japanese people…). Wonderful case study in psychometric validation as well; I highly recommend people read his book. The numerous footnotes are entertaining.

  • I always thought that it’s basically horoscopes for slightly smarter people. You can read yourself into any of the descriptions.

    Edit – actually watched the video. Hah, he says the same thing.

  • I don’t agree, it’s an excellent indicator pointing out who to avoid dating when you see people mention their type in their dating profiles and what type they are looking for.

  • South Koreans,
    in their teens and 20s are firm believers of MBTI.
    30s and 40s were firm believers of Blood type personality and zodiac signs(western and chinese).

    I’m INTJ, so I don’t believe in such BS.

  • The thing with the Myers-Briggs is that neither its critics, nor its social-media advocates, tend understand it. This video, including many of those in the comments brainlessly parroting this silly Youtube tool, don’t get it.

    So let me spell it out, for all out you: **human psyches are malleable**. The Myers-Briggs is a *snapshot*, not a complete gauge and evaluation of your entire personality. Especially when you consider that during these “self-prescribed tests” that some personalities won’t answer them truthfully, but will instead take time to reflect on answers and skew them in a way that gives them a more favorable self-image. As well, life experiences, whether enlightening or traumatic, can completely change a person’s personality over any period or duration of time.

    Only an charlatan (both critic, or advocate) would think that a psychological classification is a timeless, unchanging unequivocal evaluation of a human being. If you compare MB tests to Astrology, you failed at level 0. As an analogy, you’re talking like you understand differential equations, when you couldn’t even comprehend commutative laws of algebra in primary school. You’re not fit to discuss the subject matter whether in support, or criticism. Yes, I get it, you have a PhD/MS/BS in some other respected field of STEM. Good for you, gold star, I’m sure your parents are very proud of you. Case in point : the tool making this video has his education in statistics and finance. Nothing to do with medicine, physiology, psychology, psychiatry, neurology, or anything related to medicine or the mind in any possible way: yet here you see people gobbling up his bullshit.

    Psychology is not a recognized science of STEM. But recall there was a time when medicine as a whole was not considered a science, but as a sacrosanct practice against the creations of God. You, are no different than the critics of medicine at the time calling practitioners of medicine delusional ignorant madmen for suggesting that the human body has no soul.

    My suggestion: please, actually read what I am typing, and not just baiting at the keyboard to respond, breathing through your mouth. The real issue here is people often criticize MBTM while coming from “hard” STEM fields, which are unchanging. Physics, chemistry, engineering, all with laws which *will never change*. Guess what? The human psyche is nothing but change. The physical chemistry of the brain is less understood than depths of the oceans, and both are limited by the tools we have available.

    Just because you are an expert in understanding your STEM field, doesn’t make you an expert in understanding everything. Unfortunately, the talking head in this YouTube video, and OP, fail to understand this. You have limits to your capacity for knowledge, because there are only so many hours in a day. The perceived shortcomings of MTBM types are not because of the system by Jung, but because you lack the education to understand how to properly use the tool to evaluate human psychological states, because psychology is outside the scope of your studies, and you lack the prescience and humbleness to acknowledge that you are outside the depth of your field.

  • I do agree that the types and ways people are using the system is oftentimes a misfiguration of what can and should be done with it and that is obviously not at all helpful then.

    Then again, it helped me greatly and calling it garbage is simply not a good basis of discussion that any good faith actor in psychology would use for a variety of reasons. I understand the frustration it can cause seeing people be lead astray by false claims and promises…but there is no indication that there is any openness for any of the adaptations of the system or understanding how it can be used. Nobody in their right mind or the industry would look at a system from the 1940s and hold it up to nowadays standards without modulation and reshaping it to nowadays basis of knowledge. The MBTI is simply a tool, if you want to use it in any number of wrong ways you can always do so. Barring or gatekeeping the whole system from people looking for understanding themselves better…not so good. Freud after all was as wrong about most of his theories as anyone else, meaning that Freuds claims are just garbage?

    As such this video as a whole is very narrowminded, it´s like saying “look at all of todays problems still existing, this means politics is failing”. The points are valid but the basis of discussion and thus the conclusion drawn from it are no better than simply saying “I don´t like this so you shouldn´t either” There is a reason why the MBTI is where it is, why people like you are fighting it and why some work and some don´t…this is one of those that won´t work simply because it is made too narrowmindedly to actually be opening a meaningful discourse.

    Actually doing research on the topic and working in ones field of expertise would have probably helped but I guess this is more kind of a self advertisement for a youtube channel than an actual basis for a good faith discussion.

  • The Myers-Briggs personality type indicator isn’t garbage

    It’s just a way to try and segment how you think, and that’s useful (even if the methodology is super flawed), because it’s more of a measure of how you think about yourself, as opposed to how you actually think

    I think it’s a really interesting test, but it’s just one of the many others though that don’t bear much meaning, and happens to the the most popular because it is very interesting

  • Here’s my hot take of the century:

    It’s fine.

    The better question is who’s toting it as some kind of empirical truth?! I thought it was just a fun social activity. Given all the piss and vinegar in the comments you’d think the test was claiming the earth was flat or some shit. Calm down.

    EDIT: I’m obviously not asking literally who. I don’t care if your neighbor Deborah follows Myers-Briggs like a cultist. I’m encouraging you to answer this yourself and decide whether or not there’s any merit to the expectations placed on the test.

  • I feel like it has some sort of weight? I wouldn’t base my whole life around it or anything, but in college lots of my professors required us to take these sorts of things. I had at least three classes where we were asked our personality type for a specific assessment and given a link if we hadn’t taken it yet

  • I remember I got into an argument with my “styles and ways of learning” professor in the middle of class over this. That the questions were far too vague to have any merit, and even as a general concept was flawed because people will respond differently based on emotional mindset. He basically just said. “just do it” it’s part of your grade.

  • If you look at people who ordered the same 20 products on Amazon, you’re going to find a lot of similarities between those people. Same with MBTI. If you give it more than that, it’s going to be limited.

  • I had a job interview where applicants were expected to show up with their MBTI result. I showed up with mine (all three of them) and cited research on why the MBTI is not a good test, *particularly* for job interviews or promotions.

    I got the job, thanks to a previous boss who had explained why she used a much more helpful personality test at her organization and mentioned why she didn’t like the MBTI.

  • Keep in mind that Dr. Lyndon Walker (op) is a doctor…of statistics. Not psychology or anything related to this topic. That doesn’t immediately discredit his video, but important to take note of.

  • I 100% agree that it shouldn’t be used in the workplace. But it’s so silly for people to use this as an excuse to shit on people that connect with it.

    The vast majority of people just take the test, see what category they relate to most, go “oh wow this category is relatable, cool”, and then move on. No one is using that stuff to guide their life or “predict” how their day is going to go, and the categories aren’t just random vague bs since they’re based on specific answers. The astrology comparison really just doesn’t fit here.

    Yes, the guy *claims* that the categories are as generalized as astrology, but there’s a reason he doesn’t provide any actual examples/comparisons.

    It’s basically just a more detailed way of telling people stuff like “I’m shy”. Of course no one is the perfect definition of shy 100% of the time, but it gives a decent idea of their personality. Calling people idiots for identifying with introversion/extroversion simply because humans are never 100% of either one is ridiculous. Are you gonna call shy people dumb the second they manage to break out of their shell?

  • Problem with mbti is that people misuse it and mis understand it. Also have a shallow understanding of it. It meant to indicate tendencies that are also affected by environment and upbringing. Not be a end all. Note I’m talking about jungian mbti as well.

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