Friday, March 7All That Matters

Why Is Religion Important by Yuri Bezmenov

1 Comment

  • I don’t know of many people who would disagree that religion is a powerful social stabilizer.

    That doesn’t make all of its effects salutary, though, and it certainly doesn’t make any of its truth-claims “correct,” except for “our religion is a powerful social stabilizer.”

    The United States that Bezmenov’s KGB was seeking to destabilize was widely understood to be monolithically Protestant. I would argue that reducing a stranglehold of Protestantism on the United States has been destabilizing, but really necessary. Just look at how the Dominionists flail over it. The religious (at least the ones Bezmenov wanted to “de-moralize”) are in a state of delusion in the U.S. right now without having been de-moralized.

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