Friday, February 21All That Matters

Why am I so tired?


  • I’ve heard that COVID fatigue is a lot worse than other kinds, so the positive result I got from a rapid test a few weeks back may have actually been a false positive. I especially think this may be the case since a PCR test from that same day and a follow-up rapid test both came back negative, and I also had no symptoms otherwise.

    Regardless, even though I was feeling perfectly fine beforehand, as soon as I got that first positive result, I thought, “Wait, do I *actually* feel fine? I *have* been awfully sleepy today.”

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  • I went down the rabbit hole on twitter with a guy who said the covid vaccine his mother got gave her cancer, which she was diagnosed with (at stage 4, metastatic) three days after getting the vaccine, dying 7 weeks later.

    he admonished me to do my own research, among other things.

    the last thing he said before blocking me was that he knows it was the vaccine, that his mother was feeling really tired and “off” the day she got it and he begged her not to get it. like….idk, maybe that was the stage 4 cancer, my dude. maybe the vaccine didn’t give her a cancer that grows faster than small cell lung cancer, which takes like 3 weeks minimum to double in size. a vaccine didn’t give her the fastest cancer in recorded history.

    denial, blaming, etc are normal parts of grieving, but this was just stupid.

  • Uh if you had the original strain you will most defiantly know what extreme exhaustion is. This isn’t mono. I was down 2 weeks, 50% 3rd week (no stamina). First 3 days I slept except to use bathroom, maybe awake 3 hours in total over the 3 days. It wasn’t an inconvenience. I was incapacitated.

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