Who are some epic characters that have punched a boulder? (Pictured: Chris “Mr.Steroids” Redfield from Resident Evil 5)
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Who are some epic characters that have punched a boulder? (Pictured: Chris “Mr.Steroids” Redfield from Resident Evil 5)
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*boulder retreats*
That Boulder punching asshole! He should’ve been pounding something other than an inanimate object, but enough steroids and cans of monster energy do that to ya. Too bad the roids mean his dick shriveled up which explains why he has been depressed since 5 by turning into an alcoholic, and then just a jaded prick who just had to say Ethan that is not Mia.
Macaron from Hi-Fi RUSH. He’s used as an “assist” to punch holes in walls or dislodge heavy objects – like boulders.
Leon runs from boulders. Boulders run from Chris.
Asura from Asura’s Wrath
I’m pretty sure Kratos did some boulder punching at few points in his life
shevah!, Huuurryy!!!