Wednesday, October 23All That Matters

Which protagonist got done dirtiest? Who really didn’t deserve the end they got? SPOILERS BELOW.

Which protagonist got done dirtiest? Who really didn’t deserve the end they got? SPOILERS BELOW.

To clarify, not which ending didn’t you like. Which protagonist got screwed the worst. For frame of reference, I think John Marston is my vote, however, the game itself fixes this in the ending of the game and makes it easier to take (therefore making RDR’s ending phenomenal). Who do you think?

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  • WayOfTheOpen

    Shepard from Mass Effect. All of those years fighting the reapers leads to a red, blue, and green decision which all lead to endings open to interpretation.

  • Alterego_Loki

    Wander from Shadow of the Colossus. Don’t get me wrong amazing story and ending but after all he went through my dude got borked…

  • ayers231

    Noble Six, well all of Noble squad really, from Halo Reach. “Be the hero of the story that saves the pan… oh… well, be the hero that kills the bad gu… what? Well, be the hero that… watches his friends die then dies himself.


  • This_User_For_Rent


    All she’s been through in halo 1-5, going from a friendly ally to queen of the galaxy, then Infinite happens and whoops: she’s already dead, her empire crumbled, and it all happened before the game even started. Not even in a cinematic or a heart wrenching moment, just a holographic chat with Atriox and bam: she’s gone and replaced by weapon (who is her anyway, as though that makes it any better). What a load, she deserved to die better.

  • jim9162

    Booker from Bioshock Infinite didn’t get a very happy ending, despite his sins he did try to correct them but fate ordained he would always be wretched.

    Having Elizabeth baptizing him at the end just as he came upon the realization was pretty shocking to me.

  • fufucuddlypoops_

    Zero from Katana Zero. It’s a relatively underplayed indie game, so I’ll describe the ending he got.

    He was a child super-soldier who was drugged with a special drug called “Chronos” that let him slow down his perception of time and see into the future- he could never lose a battle. There were a couple more like him, and they had a little band during the war. When the war ended, they stopped making Chronos, but like any other drug, Chronos had terrible withdrawal effects. Time would slow down, until eventually your perception of time completely halts. You can’t move your body, nothing moves at all, but you can still think. Even if you get more Chronos or someone kills you- once you’ve hit that threshold, it doesn’t matter, you’re still stuck for all of eternity, where nothing will ever happen. And since you were a child soldier, you’re stuck with your PTSD.

    We never get a defined ending for Zero, or at least haven’t gotten one yet, but regardless, it’s either he dies alone in an alleyway, or worse, he goes through Chronos withdrawal and finds out how the monkeys paw grants immortality

  • Omega3030

    V from Cyberpunk. No matter what you did, their path only leads to tragedy. The best you can do for them is help them go out with style.

  • CleverInnuendo

    The Fallout 3 protagonist who had Fawkes in their party. They literally INTRODUCE the character being valuable because Rads can’t hurt him.

    And even when that ending concept was patched in, the actual post-game narration still mocks you for being a bitch about it.

  • Gold_Gain1351

    Got to be Desmond Miles. All that build up only to be flicked by Demeter and it never followed up on again because Ubisoft decided to go in a different direction for whatever reason

  • InSight89

    Alex Mercer from Prototype. Just a guy trying to figure out what the hell is going on and kill some corrupt people. Then you have to kill him as the final boss in Prototype 2. I was so disappointed.

  • Lord_Seacows

    Talion. He did not deserve to be forgotten and have his family slaughtered only to fight against the enemies of Gondor with no thanks or acknowledgement. Seriously, he deserved to become a Nazgûl and pull up on them for treating him like an outcast. Sure he was an outcast for being a Ringwraith, but he gave everything for them.

  • RapNVideoGames

    In the original fallout game you get outcasted from your vault after being the one to go and save the day. All because the overseer didn’t want people to know their was life outside the vault. That’s kind of a dick move to the guy that gave you water.

  • Evello37

    Professor Layton

    Unwound Future is currently the last game for him chronologically, and that ending was unrelentingly brutal. Dude is just a kind, helpful gentleman, and the story crushes every ounce of happiness from his life. The game literally ends with him taking off his iconic hat and crying. Even the prequel series ends with betrayal and horrifying family revelations. Hopefully the new game finally gives our professor a break.

  • Lukey_Boyo

    The Hero of Kvatch in Oblivion. After everything they do to save Tamriel from being taken over by Daedra, their fate is to become a crazed Daedric lord themselves, and completely lose any of what made them them in their old life.

  • YallBQ

    Hawk from Dragon Age 2. Loses entire family, all of their closest friends, then sacrifices themselves fighting evil. Pretty rough life if you picked the dark timeline.

  • SurealGod


    Simon being left behind when he originally thought he was going to escape the underwater research facility was a real gut wrenching thing to see. But on top of that, he had an argument with his only friend throughout his entire journey Catherine, and she eventually got corrupted; leaving Simon stuck alone in the cold dark underwater remnants of the research facility they’re in.

    It’s such a brutally depressing ending that humanity is now just AI and cloned minds living in a digital world endlessly floating space while in the background you see Earth as the floating burning hellscape it became.

    Such a good game, but man I was down in the dumps when the credits started rolling.

  • The0rigin

    The protagonist of Far Cry 5, had a ridiculous disconnect between what you actually do in the game and how it ends. During the game you are systematically dismantling the cult like a badass and then you end the game as the cult leaders little bitch, like WTF did I even do all that junk for in the first place

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