Which game completely exceeded your expectations?
Which game completely exceeded your expectations? from gaming
View Reddit by MarlonDBZ – View Source
Which game completely exceeded your expectations?
Which game completely exceeded your expectations? from gaming
View Reddit by MarlonDBZ – View Source
So glad OP picked Minish Cap as their example. One of my favourite Zeldas period, not just of the handheld ones
Harvest moon
Gameboy advance?
Witcher 3 and Terraria
Horizon Zero Dawn. Honestly I got it fairly late but despite the expectations being set high HZD really knocked it out of the park
Days Gone , an underrated gem
Factorio – when I initially played it in its first iterations, I thought it was boring as hell due to little to no instructions and a fairly steep learning curve. Now I’ve expended about 8,000 hours on it, been playing on and off for 5 years, totally worth it.
Dying light
Knack 2.
Deep Rock Galactic
Ghost of Tsushima
Last of us, i bought the game in 2014, it stood in the shelf for over a year sealed, then i pushed myself to try it out, i hate playing hyped games, this game was beautiful.
Spec ops: the line. I had absolutely no expectations going in and honestly it was a blast. But sadly rather short.
Dishonored 2 was a masterpiece to me such fun environments and tactics. And the songs in this game I Heard- for a month without stopping it once. I heard them during my vacation I heard them in the car I heard them to go sleep
Kingdom Come: Deliverance – The most immersive and true to real life in year 1400 RPG I have ever played. I have nothing bad to say about that game. What a masterpiece.
Hollow knight – I entered expecting a simple platformer with simple enemies considering its low price but man the game was amazing
Mad Max. I was expecting it be a average game adaptation of a movie but My god i was blown away. The Arkham style combat, The driving, The world Everything about this game exceeded my expectation.
Golden Sun 1 & 2
Enter the gungeon. I started playing it because I liked the art style and the bullet hell aspect but now I’m addicted to it
Ori and the Blind Forest Definitive Edition. I was eyeing it for a year until I finally decided to give it a go. I haven’t looked back since. The games visuals are good for a 2016 version of a 2015 game. The artstyle is amazing and the game has an equally amazing soundtrack. It is quite fun to play. I wasn’t expecting much and my expectations were so far exceeded that I don’t really remember what they actually were. This game is worth a play, and also another playthrough directly after that.
I love this game. Definitely in masterpiece territory.
Deus ex human revolution
Black Flag.
A Plague Tale: Innocence
NieR:Automata. Heard a lot about this game for a long time and just got into it. Haven’t touched another game since download.
Yakuza 0. Fucking masterpiece and proof that you don’t need a huge map for an open world.