When you’re 40 and allowed to help your 88yr old dad… doing an important job!
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When you’re 40 and allowed to help your 88yr old dad… doing an important job!
View Reddit by Soggy-Custard4845 – View Source
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Wow! You’re such a big boy, helping daddy and everything! Did you bring your Little Tikes workbench?
Pay attention to the light! Classic kid helping lol
r/daddit will be inspired by this.
*curses, mumble* You are holding it wrong!
This brings me back…. ” You’re holding the flashlight wrong…. Point it at what I’m doing… Are you paying attention?..” – Dad
my son was born when I was 42, i hope i make it see him turn 40 too
Dude isn’t even looking where he’s aiming. Dad’s gonna be pissed when the light starts to wander.
Just shut up and hold the light if you want ice cream later. There won’t be a second chance.
Damn it!!!! Shine the light here not here!!!!!!
This is gold, do this more because some of us can’t…. anymore.
It’s crazy… I’m 40, and if my dad were still alive, a) he’d be 88, and b) I’d probably be helping him in the exact same way.
Did you hold the flashlight right?
Pop is 92. I’ve never done it right.
He is probably *still* disappointed in you…
Oh… fuuudddgggeee…
AZIZ Light!
Love this!
Still hold the light for my dad when I get the chance. Most recently, it was when he was changing parts in his computer, but over the years it’s been for everything. Fixing cars, climbing under the house to fix a broken pipe in winter, gutting my deer in the woods. So many good memories ♥️
Still fooling around and daydreaming and not holding the light and paying attention.
*You gonna help or take pictures? Pay attention dumbnuts.* – my dad
Azis! Light!
I’ve been worrying about this lately. I’m 33..I have absolutely no home improvement skills to share with my kids. Up keeping a house when my father is no longer able to help is gonna be expensive. I can hang a few pictures. I changed the faucet in the kitchen..that was pretty impressive. Needed to borrow my dad’s tools but I did it.
Taking a selfie instead of holding the light right. Kids these days.
Hey I know plenty of 40yo’s who couldn’t do that right or change a tire.
Then the light goes out and it’s not your fault but you still feel like loser
I remember telling my dad that I wasn’t going to help him anymore if all I did was stand behind him while he worked or only carried tools. The man can build a house from scratch, but I wasn’t learning by doing. Was a glorified automatic tool mover and light stand. Thankfully he didn’t take it the wrong way and I can now tear down and build up a car along with most home renovations. He still gets calls with questions from time to time.
Appreciate the time with Dad…
You’ll miss this more than you can know yet.
My father recently passed away and while giving his eulogy I recounted the life skill he gave me, of holding the flashlight for the person actually doing the work. My FIL is the beneficiary of my flashlight holding skills, which I am now passing on to my daughter.
I can hear my dad now – “shut up and hold this.”
You know all of those “Millennials don’t have his handyman skills” clickbait headlines?
Dad, you know I uh, AM, a plumber, right?
You’re a punk is what you are. Now hold that light still.
My 80 year old dad came out surgery for sepsis and four weeks later I was holding a flash light while he used an angle grinder on a pipe in the bathroom…
“Hold it right there ok son?” Ok so that’s not “right there” come on! Great times never forgotten. 😂❤️. Thanks for the memory recall!