Monday, March 10All That Matters

When your custom character shows up in a cutscene


  • For the longest time I did not follow this sub because of my dislike for Brendan.. You can imagine how happy I was when I discovered what is going on here.

  • This is First Sargeant Patches, 1st Battalion, 5th Marines, Chang company. The year was 2003, we just hit the Euphrates due for Fallujah, Iraq. We were doubled up in our Humvee after an IED had disabled one of our other vehicles, so we were nut to butt, frying in the sun, an acrid stench permeates the air that smells like sweat and shit. Johnson must have painted his shorts after the explosion and was trying to sleep but his ears were still ringing too badly.

    That was the last time I saw all of those men alive. I felt something was wrong as we rolled into Fallujah. A man leading a herd of camels eyes us suspiciously. Everyone was tense. Collectively we knew something was wrong, we were just waiting to see what, but rules of engagement forced us to not react until we’re fired on. A cooler desert wind hit, it had grown darker and I stare into the distance to adjust my eyes. Movement in the distance caught my attention, and before I can warn anyone in a meaningful way the RPG was hissing towards us.

    I woke up in the sand, my vision white, with a warm feeling trickling from my ears. My ear drums had ruptured but I feel vibrations from our Marines returning fire. My vision returns and I crawl to Johnson, preoccupied by screaming from the shrapnel in his guts. He tells me his wife’s name.. Verna Johnson. I still remember. I always will. He said to tell her he is sorry and that he loves her. He defecates, and knowing that he was about to expire I grabbed his hand while screaming for a medic. He mouthed something indistinguishable, and as I leaned closer to him he whispered ‟We do not like Brendan Schaub either..”

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