Monday, March 10All That Matters

When you let game directors make the games they want to make, they will more often than not end up amazing – Baldurs Gate 3 & Souls are prime examples of this.


When you let game directors make the games they want to make, they will more often than not end up amazing – Baldurs Gate 3 & Souls are prime examples of this.


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  • If only everyone in the industry had the leeway to do this however we live in a world that’s run by people who don’t know what the fuck they’re doing on top while the people that know what they’re doing are below the chain.

  • On the other end of this scale is things like Star Citizen, where letting the creator make what they want creates an insane bloat.

    As with all things you need level heads from the entire development team to actually create something amazing. It’s not only up to the Game Director to make a game good!

  • This can be a double edged sword, the other side of which is Star Citizen which is never going to have all the promised features if it even ever releases.

    You need to have a team that is talented enough to be able to handle having that kind of freedom without being able to overscope themselves to death.

    Running a project and making a good game are two different skillsets, and a game director needs to be good at both.

  • Counter point: Shenmue 3

    The director was given almost complete freedom of design and stated “the game is pretty much exactly how I wanted it to turn out” and the game is hot garbage.

    Not saying we shouldn’t give directors creative freedom, but giving every director carte blanche isn’t gonna lead to better games. Having a well rounded team with consistent talent will do more for you than a single powerhouse director. Making games is a collaborative effort.

  • Giving free reign to an inadequate developer usually leads mainly to chaos. The list of examples is quite long.

    But as i just remember three, i will say three.

    Daikatana, Duke Nukem Forever, FF XV

  • Both elden ring and bg3 are a result of a decade of the devs being constrained by small budgets and limited target audience. They definitely did not just do what they want.

    On another hand plenty of games had huge budgets and directors with free reign that ended up being a mess.

  • I feel like I’m missing the point of this post.
    All I’m getting is that he mentioned he wanted to fight a dragon in an epic arena, and then an arena with a big dragon fight was actually implemented.
    And that’s bad?

  • I wish the souls games had better quality in their platforming and general control of the character and story telling but the overall idea is awesome and its cool he gets credit

  • More often than not? Based on two examples?

    Dear /u/Lolejimmy

    I hope this message finds you well. We have reviewed your resume and we have decided to make an offer to a different applicant for the position of Data Analyst. Good luck in your search.

    Obviously, we all get what you’re trying to say here and we all like the idea of developers making the games they want to make as opposed to drowning customers in microtransactions or whatever, but your two examples do not erase the road those successful developers traversed to get there. That road is paved with the failures of the people who came before them. The people who tried their best to make great experiences and didn’t have the talent or skill to do so.

  • If this was true, every indie game would be a majestic masterpiece.

    The truth is it takes a lot more than one guy to make a great game, no matter how good that one guy is.

  • Could be wrong but I’m pretty sure Miyazaki struggled with scope creep in dark souls1, it’s the reason why the demon ruins and temple was a bit unfinished. Hell the studio had scope creep problems in ds2 as well, you can find videos online of people looking at old unfinished and scrapped assets that were never used.

    Scholar of the first sin was an attempt to go back and finish some of those features and the demons ruins in dark souls 3 was their chance to remake them from their failure in ds1.

    It seems like they’ve managed to dial it in and keep the scope creep under control after all that. But I don’t think it’s as easy as build what ever you want.

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