When Pokemon won’t make a product, sometimes you have to do it yourself.
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When Pokemon won’t make a product, sometimes you have to do it yourself.
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Man, this is why I love the internet. Anything can happen! Who knew that a lack of official Pokemon merchandise could lead to such great fan-made stuff!
Next up a Roggenrola fleshlight
If anyone wants to see the story of how this was made: https://youtu.be/GcI0fsqu0OE
Imagine shoving a pencil up your ear.
Someone tell Chuggaaconroy
Nintendo disliked that.
I remember when I had to create my own Pokemon cards as a kid because they weren’t available in stores. It’s great to see people taking matters into their own hands and making what they want.
I have to ask: is this supposed to be a pencil sharpener or does it just double as one?
Sheesh move over Vaporeon.
Incoming cease and desist from nintendo. COmply or they will take 30% of your paycheck for life
So… that pencil? You made that pencil?
Now make a shuckle one
Directions unclear, dick stuck in roggenrola.
This one must have a sharp ear
That’s not exactly what we had in mind, but thanks for the creative suggestion.
Anus rock
I don’t know my pokemon, it sthis a mudkip butthole?
Is that an anus?
Thank you for reminding us why we can’t have nice things.
Wow the new pokemon sure look different. This looks like the bomb things from mario.
I’m glad pokemon don’t really exist. There would be way too many people trying to fuck them all the time.
do you hate him so much that you just wanted to stab him in the eye?
I always wanted a butthole for my pencil
Wait. Is the pencil going into its face or its butt?
“Take that motherfucker”
This looks wrong in so many parts…
I think you stuck a pencil in its eye
Nintendo seeing this from anywhere lol
Chuggaconroy, anyone?
But what would it evolve to?
Peanut Hamper, is that you? 😋
(if you’re a Star Trek fan you might get the reference)
Read the title and thought you meant cassette beasts. It’s fantastic
Nintendo: So, we’re gonna go ahead and sue you.
A hole is a hole.
I hope Chuggaaconroy finds this image with peace in his mind, knowing that his life-long wish of a Roggenrola pencil sharpener finally came true… sorta…
I literally catched it yesterday in Pokémon Moon :D.
Wow, that’s how you made toys, it’s great. Sometimes DIY’s are actually better than the ones we buy in stores.
I like to think that the pose is because you fucking stuck a pencil in his ear
What am I looking at here? Because it looks like a pencil in a very large butthole.
sigh * unzips *
Next make one for peepee
For some reason, when I looked at the pic, I immediately thought that Roggenrola was smoking a blunt.
Bros giving the weirdos ideas now