When I was a kid I got 007 The World is not Enough for Nintendo 64; I hadn’t seen the movie yet & was stuck on the silo level where you leap onto the conveyer to escape the blast for three weeks (trying to outrun it) until I finally saw the movie & realized what to do
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Made me chuckle
Same thing but with kicking Scar off the cliff
Glad I was not the only one. A couple rentals of this game wasted because of this!
Mum can we get Goldeneye 007?
We have James Bond at home
James Bond at home:
Which one is the movie?
Can I get a spoiler alert! I was gonna finish the game soon, and the movie!!
Not long ago i saw a video of this game, dont had much of it left in my memory, but this level and this ecaxt Moment is burned in cause of not finding the way out and dying multiple times due to the Explosion
Kimda the same but with the first time you had to use the grapple watch at the docks, i could barely understand english but somehow i connected the dots
I was stuck on this part too for a long time. I solved it randomly. I jumped in a needlessly effort to run faster and the scene started haha
very good game!
The best Bond game for the N64. The PS1 version can fuck right off!
This shit brought me to tears as a kid. So frustrated.
Things we won’t be able to do anymore with video games. Crazy information wasn’t available like that back then
Video games back in the day weren’t always intuitive. You had to figure that out and it didn’t give you any glowing objectives or markers and searching the internet wasn’t a thing
This was a road block for me for the longest time. The funny part is when you figure it out, you realize how much time you really have to grab the bar. I think you can get almost all the way down the tunnel before the explosion happens and it looks silly lol
Dude! Are we longlost twins?
I didnt figure that one out untill like 3 years later.
And was also pissed why it wasn’t mentioned what i should be doing on my ripped and wrinkeld passed-on cheatsheet.
I enjoyed Tomorrow Never Dies
I had the exact same issue, but it probably took me 3 months before I saw the movie.
Really wish they’d make some newer 007 games
Wow same here! Lmao! I never told a soul
I thought I was the only one!!! I worked on this level forever and could not figure it out. Finally my mom says to me “maybe you should watch the movie and it will give you some ideas”
For someone who had never played video games before she was pretty good with the helpful ideas lol
This game was actually really faithful to the film. It even paid attention to little details that not even goldeneye did.
I remember those days. No guide in a magazine or book and you were stuck? Screwed. After walking home from school five miles uphill in the snow, I’d play *those bits* in various games and die again and again.
That’s literally the same thing that happened to me. The world is a funny place
Lol I never got past this part 🥲 thank you for helping out past me
Dude, i found out how to outrun it because i never even figured it out until this post…. You had to run ‘diagonally forward’
I never hear anything about this game. Does it hold up as well as golden eye?
Damn, been too long since I’ve played that. Good times(for gaming)
Lesson learned. Watch movies related to the game, it’ll show you all the techniques. lol
I played the crap out of goldeneye and never played this. I sad.
Hahahaha same; you just unlocked a memory OP
this same scenario happened to me lol. i got stuck for an hour or so, then decided to watch the movie again and it all came together
Me and my friends had to go rent the movie on the absolute off chance that the movie would clue us in on something, shit was wild when we found out.
I had seen the movie before I played the game but I also got stuck here forever. Kept pushing the cart and mashing it in the door and trying to run through before blowing up and shit until I just started jumping and happened to grab that thing.
This happened to me too
The exact same thing happened to ne but I managed to cheese it somehow by the cut scene not starting so I was able to get a head start on the explosion