what’s your favorite Deus ex machina moment in gaming? (Spoilers for God of War, just in case)
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what’s your favorite Deus ex machina moment in gaming? (Spoilers for God of War, just in case)
View Reddit by ThighBiter1993 – View Source
(God of War spoilers) For me it is the mistletoe arrowhead. While not technically a Deus ex machina, it would seem like one of you didn’t know about Norse mythology beforehand. Luckily I knew about the Mistletoe thing from mythology before playing the game, so it wasn’t out of the blue for me
My favorite was Mankind Divided
In Fuga Melodies of Steel when >!the Taranis is sacreficing its own life force so they can use the Soulcanon without any of the children having to sacrefice there life. Its cool but also mysterioues and unsetteling when fore just a moment the picture of a child seemingly chained to a maschine is showen. Begs the question where the energy of the Taranis comes from in the first place. I hope the sequel gives anserws to that. !<