What’s something I wouldn’t believe about you? (Strangers Answer)
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What’s something I wouldn’t believe about you? (Strangers Answer)
View Reddit by TopPepper1 – View Source
Neat video. It’s so interesting to peer into the lives of others. I really liked the ex-military guy.
Thoraya’s videos are so fantastic. She manages to get such honest and candid feedback from people. Incredible how she’s right in people’s faces and yet is so unobtrusive. Everyone has a story, just waiting to come out.
On bad days, I like to binge her videos. Thanks for the reminder that she’s out there.
The Spanish guy who says people think he is indian, which he claims he is not, obviously is not an entirely an ethnic Spaniard. Maybe a child of Spanish citizens but his looks must come from somewhere else. If he is not deluding himself, he should do a DNA test, maybe his parents are not telling him the whole story.
Wow that vengeful woman had such stories! Obviously we’re only getting a sliver of her full experience but from the two examples she gave sounds like there is a destructive pattern to her relationships, which she at least partly contributed to. But with people like that I always wonder how much of it is just bad luck or self fulfilling based on their own behavior.
For instance it’s very difficult to watch my sister in law jump from one bitter relationship to the next. She’s a lovely person but ultimately I want to just ask her are you really unlucky and finding only secretly awful or broken guys? Or is there a deeper pattern here that you’re contributing to. How can you get out of this cycle (go to therapy please!)?
Nice work
Seeing such clear closeups of faces while they’re expressing themselves reminds me that people are better looking than they think they are.
Thoraya has a lot of really good videos out there
I thought about what I would say but to figure what people wouldn’t believe about me I would have to know how other people see me. I have a hard time speculating on that because I am horrible at self evaluation. I can evaluate my actions and specific behaviors but how it comes across as a composition I really don’t know, but I would love to know.
Wait, what? Is that woman in the first segment describing an ACTUAL approved medical procedure? That cannot be helping her. It sounds like quackery to me. If my mother told me this is what she was going through to “help” her, I’d yank her out of that facility immediately and sue those fuckers for shocking my mom.
I learned a long time ago that the more I tell someone about my life, the more certain it becomes that they think I’m lying. When I can’t get away with telling nothing, I’ve wound up lying about my life so that I don’t seem like I’m lying.