Fighting the Boss with just CQC made me feel like I earned the title “Big Boss” as a teenager. What a wonderful story. This introduced me into the series.
Minecraft. New objects during updates and I am trying to gentrify the areas around my train stations that link to all the different villages I discovered adventuring. I am also trying yo finish my castle, aquarium etc etc..
Any of the Post-2008 From Software games.
Hi-Fi rush
Castlevania Symphony of the Night
Certainly not snake eater. Fuck those controls are atrocious
Burnout 3
Fighting the Boss with just CQC made me feel like I earned the title “Big Boss” as a teenager. What a wonderful story. This introduced me into the series.
Loved how the camo you wore made such a huge difference.
All parts of Fallout. Especially New Vrgas and 4
Link to the past
F.E.A.R.: First Encounter Assault Recon. An icon of the mid-2000s FPS boom, for me.
Pokemon 🙂
Nah once I played Subsistence, I could never go back to normal Snake Eater.
What a thrill
Batman Arkham Knight and Destiny 2, apparently.
Snaker Eater, such a fantastic game. The story was…yeah, but it’s Metal Gear so what’da’ya expect? Lol. Still put a lot of hours into it.
Advance Wars…
Never gets boring somehow.
Final fantasy 7-10. I usually play through all those once ever year or two.
Dota been playing since maybe 2006?
I can always find time for a bit of Crazy Taxi.
Halo 1-3. I still play them from time to time after 20 years
MGS2 for me.
Like most of his work, Kojima was way ahead of his time.
MGS 1-4
Witcher 3
Mario games
Is snake eater kinda like pussy galore?
Any Metal Gear game. I mark out for those.
Is there any way to play MGS 1-4 without buying an old PS3? Have PS5 but only MGS 5 is available 🙁
System Shock 2
Titanfall 2
* Lemmings
* Crysis
* Subnautica
* Minecraft
* Far Cry 5 (as long as the custom levels don’t get taken from us)
Great pick.
Resident evil 4
Minecraft. New objects during updates and I am trying to gentrify the areas around my train stations that link to all the different villages I discovered adventuring. I am also trying yo finish my castle, aquarium etc etc..
Serious sam.
I’ve completed the following games multiple times and will continue to do so:
Halo / remastered,
Ninja gaiden black,
Half life 2,
StarCraft / remastered,
Resident evil 4
No ragrets
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
This one, actually