Worms 2. The whole worms franchise was good, but 2 was my favorite entry. The endless hilarity of hot seat games with friends yeeting super sheep at each other.
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. The adventures, the music, the time-travel mechanics – it was a masterpiece that shaped my love for gaming. Every time I hear the Song of Time, a wave of nostalgia hits.
Devil May Cry 3. When I was in middle/high school (I don’t remember) I lost my sight for a short time and discovered it was the only game I could still play. The audio cues were so far ahead of it’s time and I had no idea until I needed them. Years later I would chill with friends and play it blindfolded as an impressive trick, I still have a soft spot for this game for helping me in a rough time.
That opening, the music, the enemy designs, the materia system… Even if there’s games I’d rather play, it’ll always hold an honorary spot as my favourite game of all time. (technically tied with Metroid Prime, but if I had to pick it’d be FF7 first 😅)
Kingdom Hearts came out when I was a teenager and at that itme anime was the greatest thing in the world ( to me ) , I took myself seriously as a young adult and yet I was still a little kid in many ways .
So the dramatic themes about darkness, light, and love intertwined with Donald and Goofy kicking ass with me as we swam through the oceans with Ariel and I got to fight some of my favorite Final Fantasy characters and their over the top moves was perfect. It was a perfect mix of all the things i loved and really the first more dramatic story I could appreciate wrapped with some of my favorite characters from my childhood.
I’m not super happy with how the series evolved from there but Kingdom Hearts 1 will always hold a special place in my heart and turns me back into that 14 / 15 year old when I see the intro movie all over again.
Let’s see:
MGS series,
Dragon Age: Origins,
Yakuza series and spin-offs,
And Persona 5.
These games will always be something I remember. The last 3 are the most recent, but they nailed themselves permanently in my top 5 series. I hope one day I get to play another game that actually makes me consider bumping one of them down. But till then, I’m gonna enjoy the fuck out of these.
Warcraft: Orcs and Humans (the RTS) and A-10: Attack! (A flight sim you’ve never heard of) are games that my dad played with me when we were younger. Neither have held up well, but they’ll always be special to me for that.
Single player – GTA San Andreas and Assassin’s Creed Black Flag.
Multiplayer – Halo 3. It was at its peak during my first year at university and the online play was unbelievable. Bit of a nostalgic opinion but the online modes were second only to the local matches we arranged in our student halls after connecting multiple Xbox consoles via ethernet cables and a splitter. 16 player mayhem and beers; what’s not to love?!
Sly Cooper 1-3. Were some of my favorite games growing up and they’re still solid.
Persona 5. First time playing through it was an amazing ride.
I agree about X. TFC (Team Fortress Classic) because my wife and I used to spend an unhealthy amount of time playing it together.
Worms 2. The whole worms franchise was good, but 2 was my favorite entry. The endless hilarity of hot seat games with friends yeeting super sheep at each other.
Chrono Cross.
Was the first JRPG I beat as a kid.
Age of Mythology!
Got it at my elementary school book fair. My Dad started to play it as well.
Max Payne 1 and 2 for me
Pokémon Crystal, just happier times my guys
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. The adventures, the music, the time-travel mechanics – it was a masterpiece that shaped my love for gaming. Every time I hear the Song of Time, a wave of nostalgia hits.
Zelda: A Link to the Past. I’ve loved the game since first getting my Snes and still enjoy playing it when I get the chance
Y, R, P, in position. It’s showtime, girls.
Legend of Legaia
Best 1-CD RPG I have ever played.
Thirsty sword lesbians, A perfect, even tho im a guy i feel apreecieated by this game.
Devil May Cry 3. When I was in middle/high school (I don’t remember) I lost my sight for a short time and discovered it was the only game I could still play. The audio cues were so far ahead of it’s time and I had no idea until I needed them. Years later I would chill with friends and play it blindfolded as an impressive trick, I still have a soft spot for this game for helping me in a rough time.
pokemon blue red and yellow
Red dead redemption 2 recently I’ve been playing it probably way too much 💀
Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater & Resident Evil 4 are two that i will always love replaying no matter how many times.
That opening, the music, the enemy designs, the materia system… Even if there’s games I’d rather play, it’ll always hold an honorary spot as my favourite game of all time. (technically tied with Metroid Prime, but if I had to pick it’d be FF7 first 😅)
FFXIII was the first Ps3 game ibought. It was on sale at during the end of the clearance sale at Walmart. A couple months later I got my ps3.
bioshock infinite, i consider this the best game ever made, gameplay is something else, it just felt very vivid for me in the first time i played it.
Deep Rock Galactic
God I love X-2.
My heart was always open for many games… 🚶
Ratchet and Clank. My first ever PS2 (or was it ps1?) game
Final Fantasy VI will always stands as a “pivotal” game for me: It shaped, in a significant way, what I want from games and what I want from stories.
Kingdom Hearts will always have a special place in my heart, and all the missteps the series has taken in all the years since cannot diminish that.
The Pokemon series gave my a good number of happy memories, and I’ll always appreciate that even if I no longer play the games.
Chrono Trigger is a boss of a game that I will never not love.
Either Sly Cooper or Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. So many hours on both of those games.
Jet Set Radio Future + Sega GT 2002
it was a dual game disc that came with the original Xbox and I played the shit out of both games. its my childhood
Ff9 ❤️
Jet set radio Future. If you know you know.
FF Tactics
Chrono Cross
Valkyrie Profile
Mega Man X
The Legend of Zelda
Perfect Dark
the Earth Defense Forces series Is a cheesy weird mess but I love it
The original battlefront
Dungeon siege I & II
Final Fantasy Tactics. It’s my favorite game ever. Now if only Square would put it in a modern console.
Crash Bandicoot 3, New Super Mario Bros. DS and Angry Birds Epic
Kingdom Hearts came out when I was a teenager and at that itme anime was the greatest thing in the world ( to me ) , I took myself seriously as a young adult and yet I was still a little kid in many ways .
So the dramatic themes about darkness, light, and love intertwined with Donald and Goofy kicking ass with me as we swam through the oceans with Ariel and I got to fight some of my favorite Final Fantasy characters and their over the top moves was perfect. It was a perfect mix of all the things i loved and really the first more dramatic story I could appreciate wrapped with some of my favorite characters from my childhood.
I’m not super happy with how the series evolved from there but Kingdom Hearts 1 will always hold a special place in my heart and turns me back into that 14 / 15 year old when I see the intro movie all over again.
Let’s see:
MGS series,
Dragon Age: Origins,
Yakuza series and spin-offs,
And Persona 5.
These games will always be something I remember. The last 3 are the most recent, but they nailed themselves permanently in my top 5 series. I hope one day I get to play another game that actually makes me consider bumping one of them down. But till then, I’m gonna enjoy the fuck out of these.
Warcraft: Orcs and Humans (the RTS) and A-10: Attack! (A flight sim you’ve never heard of) are games that my dad played with me when we were younger. Neither have held up well, but they’ll always be special to me for that.
Sex with Hitler 2
“This is my story…
It’ll be a good one”
Half life 2, the moment I stuck a combine soldier to a billboard with the crossbow. Pure joy.
Command & Conquer, old tombraiders.
Seriously want the trilogie next year.
Total annihilation.
Super Metroid. It literally changed my life and gave me such a deep love for everything Sci-fi.
Single player – GTA San Andreas and Assassin’s Creed Black Flag.
Multiplayer – Halo 3. It was at its peak during my first year at university and the online play was unbelievable. Bit of a nostalgic opinion but the online modes were second only to the local matches we arranged in our student halls after connecting multiple Xbox consoles via ethernet cables and a splitter. 16 player mayhem and beers; what’s not to love?!