My son used to do the same thing with his toys. At first it would creep me out. I would turn my back to do something while he was playing and when I would return there would be a whole army of toys in a line. Sometimes they would be sorted by color or size.
I remember one time he was taking a bath and he had lined up all of these rubber ducks. It was so fascinating to watch the way he grouped and lined them up.
He was around the same age and it started to worry me that maybe he had OCD or something. I brought it up to my pediatrician and he laughed and said it was normal. Apparently, it is part of cognitive development. The kiddos are trying to figure out how things work together and what is similar.
So don’t be freaked out!! These years are some of the best and I miss them so much.
Do you or your child play platformer games or watch someone else play platformers? Our friends daughter is a few years older but she’s done something like this because of roblox and minecraft videos on youtube.
Went to get a drink and had to walk through the living room and I saw my daughter laying on her back on the arm of the couch with her arms stretched out in an upside down “U” shape. I asked her what she was doing and she said, “Playing dead rainbow.”
Mine smells EVERYTHING before she eats it to make sure it’s safe.
She also wants a hug in the middle of every meal. She’ll just stop what she’s doing, face towards me or my wife, open her arms wide and lean in for the hug 🤗
My 29-year old son with severe autism used to line up his toys from one end of the apartment to the other. Not to play with them, just to have them in an orderly line.
This is a really good developmental milestone actually! It’s helping her practice planning, trajectory, and executive function. It’s why toddlers love train tracks to much. All the “weird” ways kids play independently are usually them learning something really important.
What else do you do when the floor is lava?
How do you have so many pillows?
uh i think YOU’RE the weird one for not being concerned about the hot lava.
I mean the floor is lava and you can’t touch lava
Gosh! Alligators and hot lava are a thing!
My boys are 7 & 8 and the floor is still lava
The floor is lava….I think maybe the weird is you for not seeing that or trying to make it seem as something else 🙂
The Great Wall is the obvious way to keep the Mongols out.
Its normal, but also a symptom of autism.
Did they say why they wanted a line of pillows? The floor is lava? pretend bridge?
Also on a side note do they line up other things around the house?
My son used to do the same thing with his toys. At first it would creep me out. I would turn my back to do something while he was playing and when I would return there would be a whole army of toys in a line. Sometimes they would be sorted by color or size.
I remember one time he was taking a bath and he had lined up all of these rubber ducks. It was so fascinating to watch the way he grouped and lined them up.
He was around the same age and it started to worry me that maybe he had OCD or something. I brought it up to my pediatrician and he laughed and said it was normal. Apparently, it is part of cognitive development. The kiddos are trying to figure out how things work together and what is similar.
So don’t be freaked out!! These years are some of the best and I miss them so much.
Mine still puts pillows on floor at six…. I asked if it is about hot lava and she said “something like that” 🤷🏻♂️
Let’s talk about your weird obsession with black pillows
It’s only strange when they aren’t ruining your house .
But the real question is why the hell do you have that many pillows.
When you asked her to “straighten the pillows” she may have misunderstood.
So you bought all the throw pillows when Pier 1 went out of business.
And first thought the floor is definitely lava
Just lining up the things that are the same. My 2.5 year old does the same thing.
I’ve seen this ancient structure in my own home. The floor will definitely be lava soon.
Obviously the floor is lava
The floor is lava: extended edition.
Do you or your child play platformer games or watch someone else play platformers? Our friends daughter is a few years older but she’s done something like this because of roblox and minecraft videos on youtube.
That’s not weird…the floor is clearly lava…
Playing is not a weird behavior on a 3 years old.
It’s the NATURAL behavior.
Went to get a drink and had to walk through the living room and I saw my daughter laying on her back on the arm of the couch with her arms stretched out in an upside down “U” shape. I asked her what she was doing and she said, “Playing dead rainbow.”
Gotta keep an eye on that one…
Mine smells EVERYTHING before she eats it to make sure it’s safe.
She also wants a hug in the middle of every meal. She’ll just stop what she’s doing, face towards me or my wife, open her arms wide and lean in for the hug 🤗
I think the weirder behavior is having that many pillows
My 29-year old son with severe autism used to line up his toys from one end of the apartment to the other. Not to play with them, just to have them in an orderly line.
My 3 year old is riding around the house on his scooter while wearing underwear on the outside, donning a snorkel and mask, and dancing
He said he’s a sea monster
and he’s asking if he can play Garry’s mod so he can fight sirenhead…
It’s called play and imagination, and it’s literally 100% of their waking existence.
Things look normal to me.
Showed this to my three year old and obviously it’s to not get eaten by crocodiles
Edit: to answer your question, mine insists we turn on the lights in our house because she’s afraid of the dark, even in broad daylight
weird behavior = playing ?
My daughter would hide change under rugs, my son would bring home a piece of mulch from daycare every day.
This is a really good developmental milestone actually! It’s helping her practice planning, trajectory, and executive function. It’s why toddlers love train tracks to much. All the “weird” ways kids play independently are usually them learning something really important.
Jesus Dude. Obviously the floor is molten lava and the pillows protect them! Good God man!
I dunno. Seems pretty smart to me. If the floor is lava why jump the furniture. Just build a bridge.
I mean….lava.
What I see in the photo is totally normal
That’s pretty normal behavior for 3 year old
I remember buying my son a drum and he walked in beating the shite out of it.
My mate said, WTF did I buy him that and I said sure it keeps him quiet.
I think any parent will understand.
Last night my toddler put all of her stuffed animals she has in her room in her bed and feel asleep against her door.
It is perfectly normal behavior how else to avoid, water, lava or anything they imagine
Cos the floor is lava, duh.
Floor is lava, Makes sense to me!
Anyone can tell that floor is lava.
That very clearly is a floor is lava situation.
This title should be changed to “what CREATIVE behaviors does your 3 year old do”
Maybe make the floor out of something other than lava, this way she doesn’t need the bridge?