What We Do In The Shadows – Colin Robinson’s comptroller debate speech
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What We Do In The Shadows – Colin Robinson’s comptroller debate speech
View Reddit by The_Iceman2288 – View Source
As a movie buff I wish this subreddit was a little more focused on television as a medium for the REAL silver screen, Hollywood Movies. When was the last time a TV show took home Oscar gold?
It’s a trap, don’t listen to it
Why do I feel drained of all energy?
This show could go on forever imo
But I’m glad to get the season we did. It’s just so funny and out there lol
…new season???!
Why is this under “news”? :p
I try to bore daily.
Mark Proksch was made for this role. Hell he got his breakout on the office just for doing weird shit like parading himself as a yo-yo champion on local news shows. Of course he could barely hold one and would waste the TV station and everyone’s time talking a lot before fucking up royally.
Link to a bunch of clips.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dj9VF7LyffU&pp=ygURbWFyayBwcm9rc2NoIHlveW8%3D)
Another fun fact, Mark ended up marrying the writer who pushed him for a role on the Office.
^fucking ^Colin ^Robinson
Such a wonderful show
This kind of reminds me of updog
Context for those who dont know (but should), he is an energy vampire and purposely is boring and long winded and windy in his stories all to drain the energy out of people. So great.
Best show on the planet.
Colin’s my favorite vampire. I can not get enough. Honestly he’s the scariest creature in that entire household. He owns the house. He could drain any of his roomies to dust within a matter of seconds simply by speaking. And he knows it.
And yet?
He doesn’t.
But he could. And none of them could stop him even if they tried. Violently.
Edit: he is deviously passive aggressive and it’s honestly truly terrifying. The shows hilarious until you start taking Colin seriously. Then it becomes an entirely different show. Like a slow burn cannibal murder movie, but the cannibal is oddly way too chill about it all.
This is my favorite show
I used to hate this sort of comedy, but I think they wore me down. Now I think it’s hilarious. Also gives me some great ideas for weaponizing incompetence.
While I like these videos, I thought this would be television industry news.
The show is great! FX, please, phrase drop the chime sound you play with your logo. Just horrible.