Fallout 3 was my first mature RPG, and I fell In love with the world of Fallout. I was 14 when it came out and persuaded my mum to get it.. and the gritty, destroyed world, messed up monsters and gore was mind blowing to me back then.
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I played a lot of Diablo as a kid back in the 90s, which later turned into playing a lot of Diablo 2.
GTA 2 and Quake 3 Arena, neither of which my parents were supposed to know I had even installed on the family computer.
Halo ce
GTA: Vice City
Doom, looking at the other comments is making me feel old.
Plumbers don’t wear ties- 3DO
leisure suit larry said it was for mature audiences, looking back at it, im going to disagree
GTA San Andreas on my PS2
“**Cobra Mission:Panic in Cobra City (コブラミッション)** “> [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cobra_Mission:_Panic_in_Cobra_City](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cobra_Mission:_Panic_in_Cobra_City)
Re4 baby.
Fallout 3 as well I was about 4 when it came out 😂
Mortal Kombat, the original, it was also the first video game I’ve played.
Resident Evil 2 on PSX.
I’ve played other mature games on NES and what not, but they didn’t offer the same kind of… experience… as 3d graphics.
1990 – Leasure Suit Larry
Probably mortal Kombat 3
Vice City. I was 10. I had asked for a different game but my mom said “no war games” to be specific, I saw a commercial for conflict Vietnam on tv and it was playing [paint if black] i like the song, so the game must be good right?
well, i bugged her a few times and she just kept saying no. my uncle sent me a shoebox with packing peanuts in it and fake poop on top. with vice city burried under them. pulling it out, was like indiana jones picking up the holy grail. only I have NO IDEA what i was holding. but it LOOKED FUN.
and it still is. my mom of course found out a few days later what it was. she stopped into the room to get something from the closet [the room was just a room with a TV some furniture and such to play games and hang around in] and saw what i was doing.
mom: xxx What are you doing?
turns around: what?
Mom: Show me what you Just Did.
me ok?
gets back into my top fun van, drove over picked up a hooker parked near some tree’s and the van started rocking back and forth going [err eet, err eet, and getting faster, I panned the camera to the front saying “look they are just sitting there, my health is going up, but my money is going down!
she gets out, i back the van up and ram her, running her over. i get out [and look i got my money back].
she left the room.
she was on the phone with my uncle while he was laughing his ass off: I Told you NO WAR GAMES, what you got was WORSE, xxx is in there RUNNING over a hooker to get thier MONEY BACK.
gta3 my flipping aunt wanted me to play it and watched..
not a great aunt looking back considering I was 8-9.. but a great aunt for getting me into it.
I think twisted metal.
Unreal Tournament ’99
Mortal Kombat
Duke Nukem 3D
Wolf 3d for me. Fuck I’m ancient.
Turok 2, N64. For some context, I was born in 1991.
At some point around/before 10, I was starting to become wary of the rating markings on games and movies.
Now I see it was kinda weird to have Halo rated M, when all the guns are laser lol.
It was my 10th birthday when my parents got me the game GUN. I played that game so so much growing up and still have a fondness for it