Mine was Diablo 2. Or maybe counter strike. But man Gunz was amazing. I remember learning how to flash step and butterfly step and spent summers developing carpal tunnel doing so lol
My uncle is the gamer of that generation of the family. He convinced my father and a couple others to get original xboxes & that game when it first came out (I think he was big into MechWarrior, the bigger franchise connected to those games .) Anyway, two months or so into family gaming over Xbox live his wife, my aunt, became the clear “best” out of all of us; nobody could beat her in that damn Mad Cat.
I loved this game, I played it way too much with too much ping.
Years after the game was shut down, I was at work and called another business we worked with, their hold music was the menu music from GUNZ, I got hit with a brick wall of nostalgia.
I absolutely adored Gunz until I got to a skill level where everyone was doing something called k style which is flying around in the air with a sword using an exploit. Nobody was actually using guns anymore… in a game called Gunz.
It blew my mind when my friend said there was an RPG you could play with a bunch of other people. I mean sure, you’d probably get tricked into taking a green “health potion” on Rookgaard, and any hunting trip carried a chance of being visited by a bloodthirsty/bored higher level player you had no chance to escape from, but the concept of sharing a game world with other people was too big a draw.
Those nights spent with siblings, cousins, and friends grinding, making runes, and sharing experiences from solo play were somewhat formative I have to admit.
Interstate 76 on windows 98
Doom via modem, DOS
Quake III Arena and Everquest. Those were some times
Everquest…but JEEEEEEEEZ dude haven’t heard anyone mention Gunz in a while. I LOVED that game.
Good ol’ cs 1.6
Holy shit gunz I remember playing half a game of this before my Internet failed on me
Shattered galaxy
WWII Online
Probably Motocross Madness.
Diablo 2.
Ultima online
Diablo 1 I think.
I miss Gunz so much.
Mine was Diablo 2. Or maybe counter strike. But man Gunz was amazing. I remember learning how to flash step and butterfly step and spent summers developing carpal tunnel doing so lol
Ragnarok online.
Delta Force, and Dungeon Siege.
Edit – Starsiege: Tribes
EverQuest concurrent with Diablo 2.
Halo two
Delta Force II
Club Penguin
Team Fortress mod for Quake.
Age of empires 1
I learned about the concept of lag with gunz
toon town 😔
Xbox Mechassault.
My uncle is the gamer of that generation of the family. He convinced my father and a couple others to get original xboxes & that game when it first came out (I think he was big into MechWarrior, the bigger franchise connected to those games .) Anyway, two months or so into family gaming over Xbox live his wife, my aunt, became the clear “best” out of all of us; nobody could beat her in that damn Mad Cat.
Ultima Online in 1997
Either Runescape or Socom
I loved this game, I played it way too much with too much ping.
Years after the game was shut down, I was at work and called another business we worked with, their hold music was the menu music from GUNZ, I got hit with a brick wall of nostalgia.
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
Ragnarok for me
Left 4 dead I never grew up with internet so when I got my own place I got it installed and Xbox had a free trial and it was amazing
Trade Wars. On BBS. Man those ASCII graphics were good.
Quake 2 was my first online proper. Quake was done at a network party at a friends house. About 8 of us were able to play.
Quake (the first one)
Good times.
Unreal tournament
WoW and a bunch of eastern MMOs (MU, Rappelz, Ragnarok, Perfect World, Silkroad, Gunbound, etc etc.)
Command and conquer.
Silkroad Online. I still have PTSD.
Phantasy Star Online, on dreamcast
I absolutely adored Gunz until I got to a skill level where everyone was doing something called k style which is flying around in the air with a sword using an exploit. Nobody was actually using guns anymore… in a game called Gunz.
Dark Age of Camelot
Subspace and Infantry online by harmless games.
Everquest. Staucus Caucusblaucus of the Sons Of Aucus.
It blew my mind when my friend said there was an RPG you could play with a bunch of other people. I mean sure, you’d probably get tricked into taking a green “health potion” on Rookgaard, and any hunting trip carried a chance of being visited by a bloodthirsty/bored higher level player you had no chance to escape from, but the concept of sharing a game world with other people was too big a draw.
Those nights spent with siblings, cousins, and friends grinding, making runes, and sharing experiences from solo play were somewhat formative I have to admit.