Monday, October 28All That Matters

What Qatar Doesn’t Want the World to See | WORLD CUP 2022

What Qatar Doesn’t Want the World to See | WORLD CUP 2022

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  • svpalex

    I don’t understand how people are just finding out about the conditions these people have been living in. For years they have been reporting on how people have been forced into indentured servitude while working on the stadiums. Either people have forgotten or they don’t care. What doesn’t add to the conversation is people making videos about it, rehashing old news to draw attention to them selves. Most of this video was just this guy showing off his gear. Boycott the world cup like me and the rest of the world who knew about this already. You could also write to your leaders, or organize protests if you want some action.

  • radelaidean_

    Can’t stand the editing style of this video. 70% is completely irrelevant and just close ups of some manic greasy dude using google

  • likethatwhenigothere

    This video could have been 5 mins long. It was so dragged out with such little actual content. And what’s with the whole dramatism over this little blue section on a map. “what is this blue box on the map that government is trying to hide?”. Answer, its where all the migrant workers live. Video done.

    Also, the video title is pretty misleading. I never came away thinking they had done some massive expose and showed me something the government was trying to hide. The whole situation with migrant workers in Qatar has been crazy bad. This 30 minute video though barely highlighted any of it. They showed about 2 minutes worth of interviews from a couple of people who worked out there and that was it.

  • SkyJohn

    What is all the nonsense editing and b-roll in this video, he wants us to believe he is filming his life 24/7 like Casey Neistat when it’s clearly all filmed after the fact to pad the video length out with nonsense once he realises he can’t actually go to Qatar.

    If he actually cared about these people he wouldn’t be wasting the viewers time making dramatised videos that are all about him failing to organise a trip to see something.

  • Neonxeon

    This guy acting absolutely flabbergasted that an ethnocentric theocratic authoritarian government would not allow him to do stuff that would make them look bad is insufferable. Bro this is Doha, not Asheville. No shit they are not going to let a white guy roam their slave slums.

  • sxp101

    Just report the story. I’m sure a bunch of hard work went into it. But delving so much into how the sausage is made took away from the story itself.

  • indesente

    Hahaha after reading these comments I don’t feel bad for not watching it after 5 mins in. It is a very serious issue. But not done well in this video. If we are dealing with a serious issue and people’s life, we need to get to the point ASAP!

  • Foresight42

    If this is the future of journalism, we’re all fucked. The bulk of this video is this guy Johnny mugging for the camera, trying to figure out how to report the story instead of just reporting it. There’s a lot horrible shit going on over there, maybe spend more of the 32 minutes of your video showing that and less on you and your friends facetiming each other trying to figure out how to go to another country to film.

  • KaladinStormShat

    One of my least favorite YouTubers who cover topics I would typically be interested in.

    Over editorialized, no demonstration of subject matter expertise, no sources, no nuanced explanations, over emotional and subjective analyses.

    Just not… good I guess.

  • RockL0bsta

    This guy is the definition of style over substance. Don’t get me wrong he does a lot of videos on important topics, but I just don’t like the way he presents the info.

  • overlord2767

    It always makes me laugh thinking about how he has to set up a camera, lighting etc. so he can film himself with his head in his hands or pacing around his office. Then he stops acting, turns the camera off, and has to tell his editor to make sure he uses that shot of him. This kind of journalism is so dumb. I’m almost shocked he didn’t title the video “We need to talk about Qatar”.

  • Peekochu

    I’ve been over this guy since he fucked up a video on Columbus and the New World. He puts on a deep looking show that never makes it past the kiddy pool. He’s all about the looks and nothing about the content now.

  • schnodda

    The beginning made me cringe.

    “İ looked at the pdf of a zoning map of Doha. There is this blue thing. That seems fishy. Why blue? Lets just go to Doha to find out!”

  • Upyourasses

    Holy shit the amount of footage they got is seriously under 2 minutes or less…. and honestly who is say its actually even from within the mystic blue box area. Seriously dont waste your time on the full video.

  • mistahowe

    Comments here are clearly astroturfed by quataris lolol. Like it would be one thing if a few people were saying this is overproduced, but not even Reddit is so hive mind that not one person is even discussing the content.

  • Honda_TypeR

    Dubai does the same exact shit, lures people in from poor countries with promise of labor and high paying wages they can send home to their family… then steals their passport on arrival and never lets them go home again. They typically make false promises that if you work long enough for a specified number of years then they can have their passport back and leave, but they never do. It’s indentured servitude.

    Abusing poor immigrants and making them slaves.

    Yet those nations are part of OPEC+ which control 80% of the world’s oil supply. Which forces most of planet earth to deal with the bad guy or deal with limited oil supplies or higher costs.

    I for one cannot wait for these rich elitist in power there to get their comeuppance once the most powerful nations of the world switches to non fossil fuel power and cars. Once they have no hold over the world people will not be turning a blind out for the sake of keeping up the oil supply.

    This is not unlike how people tiptoe around China’s slavery and blatant copyright abuses… because their hold is cheap labor manufacturing (take a wild guess why their labor is so cheap). Everyone is sick of their shit too, but for the same reason middle east goes unaffected they do too… they have what everyone else wants. Unfortunately, I see the middle east losing their grip on other nations before China, but who knows.

  • nydwarf

    When I was younger the name of the country was pronounced KA-TAR and then during the Gulf War everyone started calling it CUTTER and now it’s back to KA-TAR.

  • jasonefmonk

    I quit the video and came here after much less than five minutes. You all have worse bullshit radar than me or more patience for bullshit video.

    Editing, holding the camera to his face to walk around a useless room, AirPods Max, and some girl clearly acting on a video call. Bye!

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