Thursday, February 20All That Matters

What makes Elden Ring so great?


  • Its a complete game without micro transactions. Aside from that my view might be a bit bias because im a long time souls fan but the gameplay is awesome. Its challenging and doesnt hold your hand too much. They are barely gonna tell you where you need to go and that in my opinion is a plus. It makes exploration more meaningful and NPC’s more interesting. This game feels like an amalgamation of everything they have learned over the years with the souls games, bloodborne, and sekiro. It also makes me feel kinda nostalgic in a way because I never look things up on the first playthrough but talking with friends you hear about a cool weapon they found or an interesting encounter and it just reminds me of when I was younger and the internet wasnt what it is today so you got game info from word of mouth. Is this game for everyone? Probably not and thats ok. For me though its perfect

  • No micro transactions, no battle passes, it’s a complete finished game. Does it have some technical issues sure, but pretty solid otherwise. You get what you paid for.

  • It’s just a delight to explore the world. Every nook and cranny is filed with unique items and challenging encounters. Every spell and piece of equipment have a chance to be your new favorite depending on your play style and you can really just go out there and start slaying vampire bats, dragons, giants and all manner of strange mythological beasts.

    Yesterday, while riding in the countryside, we heard singing. We thought it was an NPC so decided to check it out.

    >!It turned out to be an ambush. The singing was a human faced, winged creature like a harpy, but it was singing a human song like a Siren of myth, presumably to lure curious travelers to their death!<

    There was no particular reward for killing it. It was just a curious encounter the creators programmed in and the game is chalk full of weird shit like that and I absolutely love it.

  • People who say the game doesn’t hold your hand that’s true but for some people they don’t want it and that’s exactly where Ubisoft comes they hold ur end till the end and spam thousand of information on ur screen

  • I played for about an hour from my buddy’s gameshare. I don’t like the beginning where you basically get wrecked by two toughguys. Other than that, seems interesting. I need to stop listening to my buddy though. He just tells me to do this and that, run through enemy ranks and just skip them all… bruh. I want to get SOME combat experience.

  • To me it’s the unknown.

    To others the unknown is a negative somehow. Which blows my mind.

    It’s like the difference between a Nolan movie and a Kubrick movie. Nolan will hold you hand and spoon feed you the shitty plot; Kubrick: “figure it out yourself.”

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