What game you think is amazing but you hate its NG+? I start first
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What game you think is amazing but you hate its NG+? I start first
View Reddit by Sorry_Village13 – View Source
Breath of the Wild.
Bloodborne. I made the mistake of attempting the Chalice Dungeons for Trophies on NG+. Big mistake.
Triangle Strategy. A game with a level cap of 50 and endgame fights at level 35 decided that it should be the kind of game to start the NG+ enemies at endgame levels and keep leveling them. I got through one more of the four routes, where every enemy got to the level cap halfway through, and called it quits there. No way in hell I’m doing two more entire playthroughs of the game with every single enemy at the maximum level, not even on the lowest difficulty. Not worth it to see two more endings.
This is not a insults, but I think Sea of Stars is the perfect game for young kids. The combat systems is super simple with no way to build wrong, wholesome vibe, my niece whom watch me play love this game.
Whats wrong with this game’s NG+?
I think I knocked a point off of Three Houses’ score every time I played it.
First Playthrough (Black Eagles) – loved it, 10/10
Second Playthrough (Golden Deer) – liked it, 9/10
Third Playthrough (Blue Lions) – K, I’m a bit sick of the pacing now. 8/10.
These playthroughs were at least a year apart each, also. It’s not like I tried to burn myself out.
I don’t think I’ve ever done a NG+, to be honest.
It’s just not appealing to me to replay with the same character. Either I will replay with a new character/build so the experience is different or I will just move on to another game.
Assassins Creed Odyssey, good lord do I hate it’s ng+. It should be the perfect game for it, but because it has a busted leveling system, enemies just become damage sponges that deal 1-2 hit kill damage. Especially in that game where your character is basically a demigod, it’s super frustrating
Rogue Legacy. NG+ was fine, but NG++ was unplayable. Literally every enemy replaced by the miniboss version.
Also, honourable mention to Borderlands 2. Damage sponges aren’t fun.
Starfield is an okay game with a really stupid Ng+. Like, it is objectively worse than just starting a new game- you lose all your stuff, and can’t respec. Bizarre design choice.
What game you think is <something> but you <something>?
Can we stop with these low effort posts?
Only game I’ve ever played ng+ for was resident evil 4 bc I wanted to stomp those mf villagers that gave me a heart attack in the first level
Dying Light 2, they scaled all the enemies to your level on NG+, ruined the power fantasy and made combat against the most basic and common enemies annoying as hell
witcher 3 ng+ is excruciatingly annoying. you need to reacquire everything other than the oils and the game is 100+ hours of game play. still did it just for the alt endings but damn did i hate it. small win was boning triss.
Thanks for the info. Guess I’ll pass on NG+ for this when I beat it
All of them
My favotie part of games is always building up my characters, getting new skills and tools. Playing games with them from the start jsut doesn’t feel as fun.
I am getting old. I cannot remember the ending. I got the plot twist and went back to the port and drive out the badies. And I cannot remember what’s after.
Days Gone. The reason I enjoyed the game was struggling with shit weapons and a shit bike while the world forces me to upgrade both to keep up with difficulty. NG+ makes you OP from the start so it lost its charm for me
Borderlands 1 it doesn’t get any harder
I dont think it’s amazing, pretty far from it. But if we’re talking about NG+ Starfield csn eat a bag of dicks. I lose everything except skills and powers? The fucking ship I spend hours farming for. Gone.
The new lords of the fallen is really fun but the new game + there is horseshit as well.
So I guess I’m the only one that had no idea wtf NG+ means.
starfields ng plus sucks and ive done it ten times now.
I typically dont play ng+ never found the need to do it.
Sea of Stars is honestly my favorite game of 2023
God of War ragnarok. All the forced walking scenes and the extra long one picking fruit with Angrboda.
That shit pisses me off the second time.
Starfield actually managed to do a really good job of integrating the NG+ into the narrative, but then there’s practically no benefit to it other than grinding out upgrades. There are a few fairly minor events that can happen, including some random ones that only happen once per NG+ cycle, but the ability to essentially repeat a loop has so much narrative potential and Bethesda just reduced it to a means of grinding.
Final Fantasy XV. There’s the big turtle boss, but otherwise NG+ is just the game again but now you 1 shot everything. (AFAIK)
I did not care for FFVII’s hard mode. No items and no way to regenerate MP felt arbitrary. I didnt mind that it was there, but I do wish there was a harder difficulty with the regular game mechanics in place.
Final Fantasy IV 3D. In NG+ you start out at level 1. The only equipment you get to keep is Adamant armor and Onion (which you have to grind hundreds of hours to get tails for)
Is the start to Sea Of Stars just slow?
Cuz I can’t get past the first those without being bored.
Cue dozens of comments about Starfield…
Edit: I take it back. Pleasantly surprised that barely mentioned Starfield. I may need a break from SF-related subs…
Borderlands 2 is mine, though. Not a typical new game plus per se but I think it counts enough.
Having to play through the story three times to get to the endgame was brutal. Still don’t know how people did it on all 6 characters.
Was so glad when they did away with that in 3 for sure.
Xenoblade 2. You don’t get any blades if they were on another character until you get the character again in the story. You lose all progression on your blades so you need to grind everything out before even starting ng+. Blades are what makes the game and breaks it so losing hours of progress and then unable to complete in ng+ is stupid design. Ng+ does not become harder in difficulty which means you need to set the difficulty yourself.
Overall, an amazing game with great story and in depth combat but not worth playing, just play on first playthrough save.
Ratchet and Clank has the only fun NG+
I don’t even care, the OST in this game deserves to be listened to again and again.
I like to plat games I know I will like. This is why I didn’t buy the game day 1.
Dark Souls 2, everything gets such high spell resistance that almost no build feels that great.
Looks pretty thiguh
I hate any NG+ that doesn’t change the content. If it’s just the same thing, only with bigger numbers, I see no point in replaying it. But if there’s something new to discover, especially if it’s a meta thing where multiple playthroughs reveal more story and lore, it can be good.
But unexpectedly, one game that I dislike NG+ is Nier: Automata, and for one simple reason – playing as 9S is torture. The game has a lovely combat system, and then it forces you to play as a character that can barely interact with said system and instead gets to play a really shitty and repetitive twin stick shooter (the hacking minigame), for 50% of the game.
I’ve gotten the true ending of Automata once. Every subsequent attempt dies somewhere around route C, after I finish A2’s segments and have to go back to 9S…
Elden ring. It’s way too easy on ng+.
I could care less what the NG+ for a game is like or if it even has it. At that point I’ve completed the game already. Give me value *during* the game, not after it’s over.
I both dislike and like Chrono Trigger’s NG+. On one hand, it’s cool to have endgame equipment and other stuff right from the start, but on the other it is too easy. I wish it had something extra for NG+ after the final boss.