Thursday, February 20All That Matters

What game made you break or close to breaking your controller/equipment? It was this level of this game for me.


Mortal Kombat 9, Raiden Vs Shao Kahn.

For those that played this game, there’s no explanation needed.


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  • easily for honor. so toxic it started affecting my day to day life. remember, some games can be really fun, but if it causes you to rage so hard you feel the need to break something, either give yourself a break or find the strength to let it go. because believe it or not, the relationship between you and the game can be compared to a toxic relationship with a partner. find the strength to let it go. do your mental health a favour.

  • I have a box of broken controller parts from an exboyfriend that threw a lot of controllers. Easily 15 PS4 controllers in there. I would mix and match unbroken pieces to keep from having to buy another one. Even the nice ones i bought for him got thrown.

    Last time I threw a controller was Mario Golf on N64 in 1999, It hit my VCR and broke the display screen. Controller survived and I learned to stop playing when i get frustrated.

  • Dating myself a bit, but in Jak II, there was a part where you had to begin a mission in the slums (which were a series of walkways over a large body of water). After you initiated the mission, the bad guys would attack you and you were tasked with escaping the slums. I remember getting so damned frustrated, thinking you had to shoot your way out. Nope. It was infinite waves of dudes trying to kill you until you escaped. Well my young dumbass mind forgot there was a hoverboard I could use at anytime and that was the actual way to beat the mission, by simply hoverboard the fuck out of there without ever stopping to fire a single bullet.

    Dude. I tried to fight my way out like 50 times, screaming and kicking haha. Definitely almost broke my controller. Then I figured it out and was so upset with myself lol

  • Ninja Gaiden on the original Xbox. Some of those boss fights can literally fuck off. I was a teenager when it came out and I think I broke 2 full controllers in a blind rage. My dumb ass had to save up all the money I could earn to replace 2 controllers but it was worth it to finish that game and unlock the OG ninja Gaiden games within it.

    That was the last time I threw a controller though so I definitely learned my lesson.

  • I have never once in my over thirty years of gaming thrown a controller. If I ever did as a kid my parents would have immediately taken my console from me, and as an adult I can’t imagine being immature enough to not just take a deep breath or walk away from the game for a few minutes. Controller throwing is some real childish shit.

  • To keep myself from breaking my real keyboard on rainbow six siege i just got an old one, you know, the black keyboard you get from your school computer and i just broke it to “free myself” guess what ? It didn’t make me feel better, so i know i’ll never do it again

  • GTA Vice City; The one where you plant bombs with a toy helicopter. I was an early teenager only starting video games, so I’d like to give it a try now but back then. Oh my that was driving me crazy.

  • Madden 07. I threw a pass, it went through my receivers body and was picked off. I took the disc out and snapped it and threw it away. I wasn’t even mad though. I was just like “This game sucks”.

  • Shrine of Amana in Dark Souls 2.

    One of the worst areas in any game maybe ever lol.

    Stuck in water so you can’t move quickly, hard to see drops into death, mages 40 miles away constantly shooting at you.

    God it was awful.

  • I don’t break controllers but I get vocal on competitive games – that’s why I stopped playing them. I’m much better with story driven games, even though sometimes I get mad with them as well, but it’s sometimes, not every fucking day like with LoL, CoD or CS.

  • My family has a lot of anger issues, me and my brother would buy the cheap mad cats Xbox controllers from Walmart and keep the packaging. Then when we broke the last one we would return it in the new packaging and get a new one for free.

    I used to punch holes in the wall next to where my death sat while playing day of defeat source.

    I don’t think I broke it in anything in 20 years though. I do still have anger issues though. And I have occasionally fist-pounded my desk a few times.

    Some people here say they can’t imagine having this mentality. But to me that’s like saying you can’t imagine someone being depressed. Anger issues are just as much a mental illness as depression or anxiety, often related.

    I don’t want to be angry. I hate myself for it. And I’ve gotten a lot better at controlling myself but it’s taking years and the fact that my wife absolutely hates it and would probably leave me if I didn’t keep it in check.

    For the most part I’ve just stopped playing a lot of PVP games but every now and then I come back to them for a few weeks to see how I handle them.

    I will never be rid of the anger, the best I can hope for is holding it in well enough.

  • Splatoon 2 on Nintendo Switch…….spent far too much much time playing that online. Addictive, but I didn’t like the person I was becoming playing it, so I stopped.

    It’s one of those games that’s fun, but the better you get, the more competitive you get. It’s a team game, so if players on your team aren’t pulling their weight – or worse, purposely throwing matches…..Let’s just say, I’ve had to purchase a new controller and delete the game.

    Splatoon 3 is just as bad.

  • FFX…. 2 times…..1st was the chocobo race for clouds final seal…… and the 2nd was the lightning fields to get lulus final seal….. 197……197….. still havent gotten it.

  • If you feel this way, invest in a stress ball or my personal favourite, a Kleenex box. You can throw the Kleenex box against the wall, squeeze it until your strength is gone and yell into a pillow. Then take a break from the game for a bit. Will probably save you some money on peripherals though.

    That and maybe therapy :>

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