What game is this from or is this just some random art compiled together? Looks kinda awesome tbh
View Reddit by Sabreeeric21 – View Source
What game is this from or is this just some random art compiled together? Looks kinda awesome tbh
View Reddit by Sabreeeric21 – View Source
That is one of the newer doom games is it not?
Looks like MewTwo invaded the Doom universe.
Doom eternal
Doom eternal I think
Doom Eternal, specifically. Though I don’t know whether this is official game art.
It’s from Doom Eternal. It is a accurate depiction of the game.
Doom, got it thanks everyone.
Now my question is, is it fun?
The first time I played many years ago it was slightly complicated I remember looking for ways into a locked room for hours and gave up on it continued on with the story but stopped playing for reasons I don’t remember.
Also if it’s worth playing should I play the first one over again first? Thank you.
Just one game. This is all just doom eternal 😂
Doom Eternal as everyone else mention. But more specifically, this is an artwork for\from the DLC.
This game had so much potential. Unfortunately, if this picture was representative of the actual game, Doom guy is carrying enough ammo to kill two, possibly three of those enemies. The rest of the time he’ll be fucking about with chainsaws, flamethrowers, blades, grenades and a rolled up newspaper
Doom Eternal, this has been my background for years now
You’re joking right?
Bruh i have never played doom before but even i know demon dude
lol, its my wallpaper since the game came out
Doom eternal u uncultured swine