Friday, February 14All That Matters

what do vegetarians/vegans think of this clip no hate, i am genuinely curious to know? thanks


  • Its purely logical… there is no large scale agriculture which doesn’t cause some suffering, but its a morally preferable (from the standpoint of vegetarianism/veganism) outcome to the also existing alternative of doing exactly the same thing but at a far higher rate in order to inefficiently transform crops into meat through feeding larger domesticated animals (who also suffer).

    Just in terms of caloric efficiency its not an economical practice if the goal was avoiding waste, as you lose so many calories turning crops into meat. There are arguments for smaller scale farming of grazing cattle/sheep/whatever in areas that aren’t practical for plant cultivation but have large open grasslands, but the overwhelming majority of the meat we have available is not from this kind of farming and we would have to raise prices and cut back drastically on meat consumption to implement more ethical practices.

  • I’m not a vegan to start off, but I don’t love the fact of the little animals being killed, but I think it is far worse to have an assembly line of animals to kill. Most conditions are horrible too. I’d love to stop eating meat, but I’m 50 years old and pretty set in my ways. I buy free range when I can.

  • Most of the animals move. This shitty argument has been debunked by farmers, and there are tons of vids on this topic on youtube. This is just the desert island argument all over again and mental gymnastics that allows carnists to let themselves off the hook for the animal holocaust and environmental nightmare that is a byproduct of their lifestyle.

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