Saturday, March 15All That Matters

Wellness is a round-the-clock concern for kitties…


  • Don’t we all wish the 3 am “wellness checks” were done out of concern? But we all know cats are just jerks and feel the need to sit on our head at 3 am for their own pleasure. 🤦🏻‍♀️ It’s a good thing they are cute and cuddly….that’s all I can say lol. And isn’t it ironic it’s 3 am for every cat? I think they are plotting world domination and keeping us exhausted is their first step.

  • I wish my friends cat was as tame as this, my friend asked me to house sit for him and look after his cat, I happily obliged.

    He had a Bengal named Zippy, lovely cat or so I thought… At around 2-3am I was woken up to Zippy biting my toes, he thought it would be fun, I didn’t think so, I had to leap out of bed shouting a few profanities out of confusion and fear.

    Never did it again, Zippy had a good chew, lil shit.

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