Weird woodwork I made
View Reddit by mtomsky – View Source
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Weird woodwork I made
View Reddit by mtomsky – View Source
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That’s pretty awesome
I like it!
That’s fucking awesome.
Wow! That’s so creative and elaborate; must have taken lots of time and imagination!
This is one of my older designs that I got to remake recently. It’s made from layers of laser cut stained plywood and assembled by hand. It’s inspired by weird fantasy stories, in particular H P Lovecraft and Perdido Street Station by China Meiville.
That’s what my last DMT trip was like.
Okay, yeah, but is it carved from one SINGLE pencil in your first try?
/s I like it
Very cool!
Wowowowow, SO Cool! Do you sell these or is it just a passion project?
I think this would be an awesome concept for a skateboard.
What a masterpiece.
Cthulhu would approve
Post to /r/woodworking too please.
Love it!
Where is the weird woodwork? All I can see is an awesome masterpiece
This is awesome! Do you have a website?
Stunning piece of art!
Reminds me a bit of hollow knight
This is amazing! I find so much beauty in this.
That is so cool!
I love this!
Beautiful! And cool!
Love it!
Weird wood work we whittled.
I find nothing at all weird about it. I think it is a damn fine display of skill. Kinda where the Wild things are’ish.
I like your use of weird – i too use the word weird to describe awesomely amazing one of a kind things
For some reason, I’m getting a real Alice in Wonderland vibe from this
Very nice. In professional art, it is about the details and quality. Nicely done!!
Neat! More!
Weird? I think you misspelled dope as fuck.
I really like it but at the same time, it gives me the creeps, makes me feel squeamish like something crawling on my skin. Love and hate relationship with it. Very good!
That’s freaking cool. Nuff said.
Awesome did you give it a name ?
Not weird, just awesome. Seen you on ig and covet so many of your pieces.
This is amazing
That’s cool! It almost looks like a Wookiee.
I want this. It looks amazing
Wow. Absolutely beautiful. Well done.
Damn, that is beautiful
Wow! I wouldn’t call it wierd, I would call it cool and fantastic!
Well it worked, I bought something from your store. Super stoked to see it in person! Awesome stuff and super glad to have seen this post.
That’s amazing!
Wow! Whimsically Wonderful. Would Without Worry Whittle Wholeheartedly. Where Will We Wander Whenever Whatever Woes Wither? ….Whack.
This is amazing
Such an interact world in such a small place
Great job… from elaboration to execution…!
question: which laser cutter are you using? how thick is the material?
Wow! So many moods! Love it.