This song brings back so many memories! It was the very first MP3 I listened to in 1997. Some guy brought it by my office and I had to download Winamp to listen to it. To say it really whipped the llamas ass is an understatement.
A radio DJ named Jojo played this song on repeat for hours one night on Lancaster, PA station FM97. He had this crazy list of demands and locked himself in the station until they were met, one of which being he wanted to talk to Weird Al to thank him for the song.
Yeah it was a stunt, yeah he did it for ratings, but Al eventually did call.
“Think you’re really righteous?
Think you’re pure in heart?
Well, I know I’m a million times as humble as thou art.”
Tonight we’re gonna party like it’s 1699!!!
That Florence Henderson tho…
Preparing minute after minute, hour after hour…
i cannot believe this is almost 30 years old?!
feels like it came out much less time ago
Buttons ❌
Cool hat ✅
Hitchin up the buggy. Churnin lots of butter. Raise a barn on Monday. Soon I’ll raise anutter!
Where Jebediah feeds the chickens and Jacob plows.
I never heard anything about wanting Weird Al as the halftime performer at the super bowl. Now that I heard it, I want to make that my life’s mission.
Ezekiel must see the truth finally.
This song brings back so many memories! It was the very first MP3 I listened to in 1997. Some guy brought it by my office and I had to download Winamp to listen to it. To say it really whipped the llamas ass is an understatement.
He’s done so much to help raise awareness about this precious and peaceful community.
He’s churned butter once or twice
I saw a great suggestion on another Reddit post recently that Weird Al should be the Superbowl entertainment this year.
An absolute treasure who I’d love to perform the Superbowl half time show so people who don’t know him can appreciate him even more.
Family friendly and awesome performer.
I’m so glad he went the authentic route and used daylight for hair and makeup rather than electric lights like the English.
I remember watching this video on MTV when it was released. It was incredible 😂
It’s too bad he was gunned down shortly after that.
fortunately, the Amish still have no idea this video exists
One of my favorite Weird Al videos (the other one is Eat It)

A radio DJ named Jojo played this song on repeat for hours one night on Lancaster, PA station FM97. He had this crazy list of demands and locked himself in the station until they were met, one of which being he wanted to talk to Weird Al to thank him for the song.
Yeah it was a stunt, yeah he did it for ratings, but Al eventually did call.
Didn’t he film part if not all of the video backwards?
I lived in a bit of a bubble and heard this version first.
Imagine my shock and horror when I heard the original.
And I’ve been milkin’ and plowin’ so long that even Ezekiel thinks that my mind is gone!