Sunday, March 9All That Matters

We should start a petition to get this show back on the air


  • We shouldn’t.

    Chris Hansen is a scammer and the show led to the death of a person they accused of being a pedophile, but their evidence was shaky at best.

  • I hate this show…let’s start investigating these 13 year
    Olds who are not as innocent as society makes them…
    Their old enough to kill and carry semi automatic weapons and get off Scott free, and these idiots get
    A record for life…

  • Yeah so someone else already said it but entrapment and I could’ve sworn that there was a term for if a civilian did it to another civilian but I can’t seem to find it anywhere, but yeah the thing about this is so entrapment can’t really be used a defense of the person is predisposition Ed but it’s almost impossible to prove that these individuals have done this before or that they can’t control themselves etc.

    It’s kind of like those shoes where they leave cars open with the keys in the ignition and then arrest the people who drive off in them. Like, you’d think the show producers would look up the legality behind “can we entice people to commit a crime?” And then be like “no that’s also illegal we should not do that, that’s almost as morally incorrect as the crimes these people are being seduced to commit”

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