Having done more than my share of dog show do have to say this movie is a documentary (not a mockumentary) – I could name several people who are just like the characters.
One time while at Costco I saw that they had all these different types of bagged nuts, close to like 20 kinds. So I took pictures of each kind and started sending the pics one by one to my sister as a joke because of this movie. After like 10 she responded with “Harlen Pepper, you stop naming nuts”. I keep the pictures on my phone so I can repeat this at anytime.
I used to do this joke by actually typing the names of nuts in texts but the photos of different nuts just makes it more fun.
My brother is a retired sports broadcaster. He is now in corporate communications but occasionally does “sports” gigs on the side. Somehow he became a favorite announcer for the AKC. After going to several agility and confirmation shows he is convinced this movie is much closer to a documentary than a mockumentary.
Best in Show is a seriously amazing movie
Parker Posey is incredible in this movie
This is one of the videos of all time.
If we’re gonna start posting Best in Show videos might I recommend what I consider the most hilarious part of the movie:
It’s amazing that this scene is more relevant today than it was when they made it 22 years ago.
Best in show and A Mighty Wind are 2 of the best.
Omg… I thought this was a real obnoxious couple. I guess I’ve missed this movie somehow?!?
Probably one of the low key top five comedies of all time
Best in Show! So awesome.
A grande espresso, you say.
Remove them. They are frauds!
Where are these people now? The Starbucks visiting Mac users? That was such a thing.
I just noticed that they have matching adult braces ……
Greatest love story of all time.
Parker Posey ❤️
I think their dog was a Weimaraner too. So perfect. So well written and acted.
I used to be able to name every kind of nut.
[Lewis black explainsthe end of the universe](https://youtu.be/Sg-J2TS13GA&t=95s)
Best movie ever! And waiting for Guffman is great too
Having done more than my share of dog show do have to say this movie is a documentary (not a mockumentary) – I could name several people who are just like the characters.
I remember what I was drinking when I met you, a grande espresso.
Yeah I remember that, I thought it was really sexy.
Fred Willard’s Mayflower color commentary is EVERYTHING in this movie.
I can’t even tell anymore…is this satire?
I’m getting dizzy from all the whiteness
The look of disgust on her face at the :58 mark…
One time while at Costco I saw that they had all these different types of bagged nuts, close to like 20 kinds. So I took pictures of each kind and started sending the pics one by one to my sister as a joke because of this movie. After like 10 she responded with “Harlen Pepper, you stop naming nuts”. I keep the pictures on my phone so I can repeat this at anytime.
I used to do this joke by actually typing the names of nuts in texts but the photos of different nuts just makes it more fun.
Best In show and Drop Dead Gorgeous are underrated comedies.
[There’s a Starbucks where the Starbucks used to be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4Eb-KxSTPE).
“We are so lucky to have been raised amongst catalogs”
I love how you can tell that the whole scene was brilliantly improvised. I’d be shocked if there was much of a script for that scene.
My brother is a retired sports broadcaster. He is now in corporate communications but occasionally does “sports” gigs on the side. Somehow he became a favorite announcer for the AKC. After going to several agility and confirmation shows he is convinced this movie is much closer to a documentary than a mockumentary.
Most of this is improvised too. Such a good cast and flick
Love this movie!!!
You have to actually watch a dog show and you will laugh your ass off on how acurate it is!
Years ago on a similar thread a redditor said the worked at a Vet office and confirmed all Weimaraner owners are exactly like this in real life.
i love how they can both be so neurotic and so damn boring at the same time.
This whole film is just great.
We are so lucky to have been raised amongst catalogs!
Parker posey is a national treasure
“We’ve been around forever. We are so lucky, we are so lucky to have been raised amongst catalogues.” Kills me every time.
capaz que si
If you get tired, pull over. If you get hungry, eat somethin.
How much do you think I can Bench Press?
[we both love soup](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uAh-opNpDg)
“We were so lucky to be raised amongst catalogues.” Hahahaha
I thought this was real, haha.
One of the most under rated films of it’s time.
I don’t get it