This controller has been with me for years. I lost the wireless dongle years ago, the connection port had issues after one of the cats knocked it down while charging, the left shoulder button popped out frequently, the left stick was starting to drift, but we were a team. Through some of my worst emotional times to the best games I ever played, we’ve been together.
Today, after one last early morning gaming session, we lost connection to the cable, and that’s been it. I figure I could pop it open, see if I can find the loose connection and fix everything, but at this point, I think the rest has been more than earned.
While you’re out on your own adventures today, please spare a thought to my old partner, and to the ones you’re holding.
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π«‘ You did good soldier.
Put it in a display case and put it on a shelf so you can always remember
Damn! That controller really hung in there. Still love my Phantom Black and Phantom White controllers even with the paint starting to wear off. They’ve never let me down and I try to take good care of them.
My og Xbox one controller only works wireless and shoulder Button is starting to go. But I can probably fix it so eh
Those joysticks are so worn down.
*Taps plays solemnly in the distance*
I have too many controllers around. I did just pick up an 8bit do ultimate Xbox controller for like $50. Itβs wireless has a rechargeable battery. Two back pads where they fit perfectly for my fingers to hit, and even turbo.
Picked it up after liking my switch version controller that has working gyro for 3rd emulation on my PC
*laughs in nes controller*
As an old man I was confused how anyone could be so attached to such a new controller. Then I remembered that the Xbox one came out almost 10 years ago.
Controller or the wife? Lol /s
Salute π«‘
whats going to be the replacement?
You’ll never find another the same r.i.p
Farewell, controller. o7
The new ones are really nice. This same thing happened to me last year.
What was its last game
I am still using the same one from like 2014… Just last month my battery turned into a spicy boi ( /r/spicypillows) and had to be thrown out, it even cracked the plastic that clips on. Still works fine USB though… Really need to replace it soon… Or I guess I can use my ps5 controller if I have to.
Still using the first controller I got for my PC, an Xbox 360 Controller, except for the rubber on the stick almost being gone it still works great.
What was the pogchamps last game?
Rest in Power, gamers. May your respawn point be forever blessed.